Licenses and Attributions


GammaRay is available under commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses. In addition, it is available under the GNU General Public License, version 2.

Furthermore GammaRay contains third party modules under following licenses:

Backward-cpp, version 1.6

MIT License

KItemModels, version KF5

GNU Library General Public License v2 or later

KUserFeedback, version 0.9.84

MIT License

LZ4, version 1.9.4

BSD 2-clause License

Qt, version 4.8 - 5.10

GPLv3, LGPLv3, commercial

StackWalker, version 5b0df7a4db8896f6b6dc45d36e383c52577e3c6b

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License