GammaRay API Documentaion
This is the complete list of members for GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType >, including all inherited members.
isReadOnly() const override | GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType > | inlinevirtual |
metaObject() const | GammaRay::MetaProperty | |
MetaProperty(const char *name) (defined in GammaRay::MetaProperty) | GammaRay::MetaProperty | explicit |
MetaPropertyImpl(const char *name, GetterReturnType(Class::*getter)() const, void(Class::*setter)(SetterArgType)=0) (defined in GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType >) | GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType > | inline |
name() const | GammaRay::MetaProperty | |
setValue(void *object, const QVariant &value) override | GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType > | inlinevirtual |
typeName() const override | GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType > | inlinevirtual |
value(void *object) const override | GammaRay::MetaPropertyImpl< Class, GetterReturnType, SetterArgType > | inlinevirtual |
~MetaProperty() (defined in GammaRay::MetaProperty) | GammaRay::MetaProperty | virtual |