KD Chart API Documentation 3.1
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CKDChart::AbstractAreaBaseBase class for AbstractArea and AbstractAreaWidget: An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDChart::AbstractAreaAn area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDChart::AbstractAreaWidgetAn area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDChart::TextAreaA text area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDGantt::AbstractRowControllerAbstract baseclass for row controllers
 CKDChart::AbstractThreeDAttributesBase class for 3D attributes
 CKDChart::ThreeDBarAttributesA set of 3D bar attributes
 CKDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesA set of 3D line attributes
 CKDChart::ThreeDPieAttributesA set of 3D pie attributes
 CKDChart::BarAttributesSet of attributes for changing the appearance of bar charts
 CKDGantt::ConstraintA class used to represent a dependency
 CKDChart::DataDimensionHelper class for one dimension of data, e.g. for the rows in a data model, or for the labels of an axis, or for the vertical lines in a grid
 CKDChart::DataValueAttributesDiagram attributes dealing with data value labels
 CKDGantt::DateTimeScaleFormatterThis class formats dates and times used in DateTimeGrid follawing a given format
 CKDChart::FrameAttributesA set of attributes for frames around items
 CKDChart::GridAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids
 CKDChart::LeveyJenningsGridAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids
 CKDChart::LineAttributesSet of attributes for changing the appearance of line charts
 CKDChart::MarkerAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of data set markers
 CKDChart::MeasureMeasure is used to specify relative and absolute sizes in KDChart, e.g. font sizes
 CKDChart::PaintContextStores information about painting diagrams
 CKDChart::PieAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of pie charts
 CKDChart::PositionDefines a position, using compass terminology
 CKDChart::PositionPointsStores the absolute target points of a Position
 CPrerenderedElementBase class for prerendered elements like labels, pixmaps, markers, etc
 CPrerenderedLabelPrerenderedLabel is an internal KDChart class that simplifies creation and caching of cached text labels
 CQGraphicsItem [external]
 CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem [external]
 CQLayoutItem [external]
 CQObject [external]
 CKDChart::AbstractAreaAn area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDChart::DiagramObserverA DiagramObserver watches the associated diagram for changes and deletion and emits corresponding signals
 CKDChart::PaletteA Palette is a set of brushes (or colors) to be used for painting data sets
 CKDChart::TextAreaA text area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDGantt::AbstractGridAbstract baseclass for grids
 CKDGantt::ConstraintModelThe ConstraintModel keeps track of the interdependencies between gantt items in a View
 CQAbstractItemDelegate [external]
 CQAbstractItemModel [external]
 CQGraphicsScene [external]
 CQTextDocument [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CQPaintEngine [external]
 CQStyleOption [external]
 CQStyleOptionViewItem [external]
 CKDChart::RelativePositionDefines relative position information: reference area, position in this area (reference position), horizontal / vertical padding, and rotation
 CKDChart::ReverseMapperThe ReverseMapper stores information about objects on a chart and their respective model indexes
 CKDChart::RulerAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of axis rulers
 CKDGantt::SpanA class representing a start point and a length
 CKDChart::StockBarAttributesAttributes to customize the appearance of a column in a stock chart
 CTernaryPointTernaryPoint defines a point within a ternary coordinate plane
 CKDChart::TextAttributesA set of text attributes
 CKDChart::ValueTrackerAttributesCell-specific attributes regarding value tracking

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"The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts"
Generated on Wed May 1 2024 00:01:12 for KD Chart API Documentation by doxygen 1.9.8