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KDDockWidgets API Documentation
is a Qt dock widget library written by KDAB, suitable for replacing QDockWidget
and implementing advanced functionalities missing in Qt.
Although KDDockWidgets
is ready to be used out of the box, it can also be seen as a framework to allow building very tailored custom docking systems. It tries to expose every internal widget and every knob for the app developer to tune.
Throughout the years KDAB contributed and funded bug fixes and features to QDockWidget
. Sadly, this was very painful. Each bug fix or feature took many days of implementation, and an equal number of days just to fix dozens of regressions.
mixes GUI code with logic with state, making it very hard to move forward with new features. Furthermore, our customers were getting more creative with their requests, so it was clear we needed a better docking framework.
You will find more information in these places:
A full demo lives in examples/dockwidgets/
, it showcasts most of the features. A simpler example lives in examples/minimal/
, which might be more indicated to learn the API, as it's less overwelming than the full demo.
Open a terminal capable of building Qt5 applications. Make sure you have cmake, ninja, compiler, Qt, etc in PATH.
Adapt the instructions to suit your cmake generator and operating system. Build and install the KDDockWidgets framework:
Now build and run the example:
The installation directory defaults to c:\KDAB\KDDockWidgets-<version>
on Windows and /usr/local/KDAB/KDDockWidgets-<version>
on non-Windows. You can change this location by passing the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path
to cmake.
Make sure you have pyside2, shiboken2 and shiboken2-generator installed. As this time, you cannot get shiboken2-generator because the wheels are not on PyPi. To use the wheels do this: % pip3 install \ –index-url=http://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/ \ –trusted-host download.qt.io \ shiboken2 pyside2 shiboken2_generator
For more info visit https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken2/gettingstarted.html
Once QtForPython is installed you are ready to generate the PySide bindings for KDDockwWidgets.
to CMake, followed by the make command.
The bindings will be installed to the passed -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
, which might require setting the PYTHONPATH
env variable to point to that path when running applications. Alternatively, configure the bindings install location by passing -DPYTHON_BINDINGS_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages
to CMake (adjust to the python path on your system).
To run the KDDW python example
KDDockWidgets requires Qt >= 5.9 (or >=5.12 if Python bindings are enabled). The QtQuick support will require Qt >= 5.15.
KDDockWidgets is (C) 2018-2020, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, and is licensed according to the terms of the GPL 2.0 or GPL 3.0.
Contact KDAB at info@ to inquire about commercial licensing. kdab .com
KDAB will happily accept external contributions; however, all contributions require a signed Copyright Assignment Agreement.
Contact info@ for more information. kdab .com
Please submit your contributions or issue reports from our GitHub space at https://github.com/KDAB/KDDockWidgets
KDDockWidgets is supported and maintained by Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
The KDAB Group is the global No.1 software consultancy for Qt, C++ and OpenGL applications across desktop, embedded and mobile platforms.
The KDAB Group provides consulting and mentoring for developing Qt applications from scratch and in porting from all popular and legacy frameworks to Qt. We continue to help develop parts of Qt and are one of the major contributors to the Qt Project. We can give advanced or standard trainings anywhere around the globe on Qt as well as C++, OpenGL, 3D and more.
Please visit https://www.kdab.com to meet the people who write code like this.