KDDockWidgets API Documentation  1.3

These are the instructions for building the Python bindings for KDDockWidgets.

Make sure you have PySide2, shiboken2 and shiboken2-generator installed. As this time, you cannot get shiboken2-generator because the wheels are not on PyPi. To use the wheels do this:

% pip3 install \
--index-url=http://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/ \
--trusted-host download.qt.io \
shiboken2 pyside2 shiboken2_generator

For more info visit https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken2/gettingstarted.html

afterwards run 'pip3 list | grep PySide2' Note the version must match the same Qt you intend to use when building KDDockWidgets.

Not supported:

Tell CMake to build the bindings by passing the ‘-DKDDockWidgets_PYTHON_BINDINGS=True’ option, followed by the make command.

The bindings will be installed to the passed -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, which might require setting the PYTHONPATH env variable to point to that path when running applications. Alternatively, configure the bindings install location by passing -DKDDockWidgets_PYTHON_BINDINGS_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages to CMake (adjust to the python path on your system).

To run the KDDW python example

$ export PYTHONPATH=/kddw/install/path # Only if needed
$ cd python/examples/
$ rcc -g python -o rc_assets.py ../../examples/dockwidgets/resources_example.qrc
$ python3 main.py

Build Issues

  • If you see errors like "Unable to locate Clang's built-in include directory" then first make sure you have llvm installed. If you still have problems try setting the environment variable LLVM_INSTALL_DIR to point to your llvm installation.


export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/opt/llvm-11
set "LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=C:\Program Files\LLVM" #Windows
  • When building the examples you may encounter errors loading shared libraries from shiboken2_generator.


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python/dist-packages/PySide2/Qt/lib #linux
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python/dist-packages/PySide2/Qt/lib #Mac
#adjust to wherever your PySide is installed
  • On Windows the libclang.dll that ship with QtForPython is not compatible with MSVC2019. To fix this, copy the libclang.dll that comes with llvm into shiboken2, like so:
cd C:\Python37\Lib\site-packages\shiboken2_generator
copy libclang.dll libclang.dll.save
copy "C:\Program Files\llvm\bin\libclang.dll" libclang.dll
#Python3 installation in C:\Python37 and llvm in c:\Program Files\llvm. adjust as needed

Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
"The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts"
Advanced Dock Widget Framework for Qt