KDDockWidgets API Documentation  1.4
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CKDDockWidgets::ConfigSingleton to allow to choose certain behaviours of the framework
 CKDDockWidgets::FocusScopeAllows to implement a similar functionality to QtQuick's FocusScope item, in QtWidgets
 CKDDockWidgets::InitialOptionStruct describing the preferred dock widget size and visibility when adding it to a layout
 CKDDockWidgets::LayoutSaverLayoutSaver allows to save or restore layouts
 CQObject [external]
 CKDDockWidgets::FrameworkWidgetFactoryA factory class for allowing the user to customize some internal widgets. This is optional, and if not provided, a default one will be used, DefaultWidgetFactory
 CKDDockWidgets::DefaultWidgetFactoryThe FrameworkWidgetFactory that's used if none is specified
 CQWidget [external]
 CQMainWindow [external]
 CKDDockWidgets::MainWindowBaseThe MainWindow base-class. MainWindow and MainWindowBase are only split in two so we can share some code with the QtQuick implementation, which also derives from MainWindowBase
 CKDDockWidgets::MainWindowThe QMainwindow sub-class that the application should use to be able to dock KDDockWidget::DockWidget instances
 CKDDockWidgets::MainWindowMDIMainWindow sub-class which uses MDI as a layout
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CKDDockWidgets::DockWidgetBaseThe DockWidget base-class. DockWidget and DockWidgetBase are only split in two so we can share some code with the QtQuick implementation, which also derives from DockWidgetBase
 CKDDockWidgets::DockWidgetRepresents a dock widget
 CKDDockWidgets::DockWidgetQuickRepresents a dock widget
 CKDDockWidgets::LayoutGuestWidgetLayoutGuestWidget is the type that Item will host
 CLayouting::WidgetAn abstraction/wrapper around QWidget, QtQuickItem or anything else
 CLayouting::Widget_quickA Layouting::Widget that's deals in QQuickItem Allows to host a QQuickItem in the layout
 CLayouting::Widget_qwidgetA Layouting::Widget that's deals in QWidget Allows to host a QWidget in the layout
 CKDDockWidgets::LayoutGuestWidgetLayoutGuestWidget is the type that Item will host

© 2019-2021 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
"The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts"
Advanced Dock Widget Framework for Qt
Generated on Mon Nov 15 2021 00:17:34 for KDDockWidgets API Documentation by doxygen 1.8.20