KDDockWidgets API Documentation 2.0
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CKDBindings::Private::any_bindables< Ts >
 CKDBindings::Private::bindable_value_type_< T >
 CKDBindings::Private::bindable_value_type_< Node< T > >
 CKDBindings::Private::bindable_value_type_< NodeInterface< T > >
 CKDBindings::Private::bindable_value_type_< Property< T > >
 CKDBindings::Private::bindable_value_type_< std::decay_t< T > >
 CKDBindings::BindingEvaluatorA BindingEvaluator provides a mechanism to control the exact time when a KDBindings::Binding is reevaluated
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::ClassicIndicatorWindowViewInterfaceThe window that will hold the classic indicators This is a window so it can be over the window that is being dragged
 CKDDockWidgets::ConfigSingleton to allow to choose certain behaviours of the framework
 CKDBindings::ConnectionBlockerA ConnectionBlocker is a convenient RAII-style mechanism for temporarily blocking a connection
 CKDBindings::ConnectionHandleA ConnectionHandle represents the connection of a Signal to a slot (i.e. a function that is called when the Signal is emitted)
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::DockWidgetViewInterfaceThe interface that DockWidget views should implement
 CKDBindings::equal_to< T >An instance of the KDBindings::equal_to struct is used to decide whether two values of type T are equal in the context of data binding
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::FocusScopeAllows to implement a similar functionality to QtQuick's FocusScope item, in QtWidgets
 CKDBindings::Private::GenerationalIndexArray< T >
 CKDBindings::Private::GenerationalIndexArray< Connection >
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::GroupViewInterfaceThe interface that Frame views should implement
 CKDDockWidgets::InitialOptionStruct describing the preferred dock widget size and visibility when adding it to a layout
 CKDDockWidgets::LayoutSaverLayoutSaver allows to save or restore layouts
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::MainWindowMDIViewInterfaceInterface for MainWindowMDI views
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::MainWindowViewInterfaceThe interface that MainWindow views should implement
 CKDBindings::Private::Node< ResultType >
 CKDBindings::Private::Node< T >
 CKDBindings::node_absAn example struct that is used with a call to KDBINDINGS_DECLARE_FUNCTION to declare all overloads of std::abs as usable in data binding
 CKDBindings::Private::placeholder< int >
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::PlatformImplements functions specific to a particular platform A platform can be for example qtwidgets, qtquick, etc
 CKDBindings::Property< T >A property represents a value that can be part of or the result of data binding
 CKDBindings::Property< PropertyType >
 CKDBindings::PropertyUpdater< T >A PropertyUpdater defines the interface used to update a Property, e.g. from a binding expression
 CQByteArray [external]
 CQObject [external]
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQString [external]
 CKDBindings::ScopedConnectionA ScopedConnection is a RAII-style way to make sure a Connection is disconnected
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::SideBarViewInterfaceThe interface that SideBar views should implement
 CKDBindings::Signal< Args >A Signal provides a mechanism for communication between objects
 CKDBindings::Signal< const PropertyType & >
 CKDBindings::Signal< const PropertyType &, const PropertyType & >
 CKDBindings::Signal< const T & >
 CKDBindings::Signal< const T &, const T & >
 CKDBindings::Signal< KDBindings::Property< PropertyType > & >
 CKDBindings::Signal< KDBindings::Property< T > & >
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::StackViewInterfaceThe interface that Stack views share
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::TabBarViewInterfaceThe interface that TabBar views should implement
 CQCoro::Task< T >An asynchronously executed task
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::TitleBarViewInterfaceThe interface that TitleBar views should implement
 CKDBindings::Private::TypeMarker< T >
 CKDDockWidgets::QtQuick::View< QQuickItem >
 CKDDockWidgets::Core::ViewGuardThis class provides a weak reference to a view i.e., it becomes null automatically once a View is destroyed

© Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
"The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts"
Advanced Dock Widget Framework for Qt
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