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Hello Triangle with CPU/GPU overlap

This example is visually identical to the Hello Triangle, but with increased performance. Try building and running both and comparing the framerates.

What's happening? In this example, the CPU is able to continue processing the draw commands for the next frame while the GPU is still working on the previous frame. The KDGpuExample::AdvancedExampleEngineLayer is handling this in the background, for the most part (previous examples such as Hello Triangle were inheriting from KDGpuExample::SimpleExampleEngineLayer instead).

AdvancedExampleEngineLayer vs. SimpleExampleEngineLayer

This is a brief summary of the behind-the-scenes functionality added to the AdvancedExampleEngineLayer which allows for CPU/GPU overlap. In order to understand this summary, as well as the way the SimpleExampleEngineLayer was working in other examples, please read Hello Triangle and then Hello Triangle Native.

The KDGpuExample::SimpleExampleEngineLayer makes the following call at the end of each frame: m_device.waitUntilIdle(). This is effectively identical to waiting on a fence. Doing so throttles performance. The CPU is blocked, and once it's running again the GPU has nothing to do while the CPU prepares the next frame's resources.

So let's get rid of it. Unfortunately, this opens a can of worms. The CPU will speed ahead of the GPU, requesting more and more frames be rendered. As this continues, the number of frames until the current frame is rendered increases. This creates latency (and other issues) and is not desirable for interactive, real-time simulations such as games. The ideal solution is to create a small range of frames (often called a "flight") in which the CPU and GPU can operate simulaneously.

KDGpuExample::AdvancedExampleEngineLayer removes the waitUntilIdle call and uses a circular flight of fences to synchronize the CPU and GPU. Each entry in the flight represents a frame. Each frame is drawing to a different swapchain image, and each one only waits on its own fence. As a result, the CPU can move ahead until it comes back to the frame the GPU is rendering. AdvancedExampleEngineLayer uses two frames per flight.

Changes needed to migrate to AdvancedExampleEngineLayer

This snippet of the render loop contains all then necessary code changes/new code:

    renderImGuiOverlay(&opaquePass, m_inFlightIndex);
    m_commandBuffers[m_inFlightIndex] = commandRecorder.finish();

    const SubmitOptions submitOptions = {
        .commandBuffers = { m_commandBuffers[m_inFlightIndex] },
        .waitSemaphores = { m_presentCompleteSemaphores[m_inFlightIndex] }, // Wait for swapchain image acquisition
        .signalSemaphores = { m_renderCompleteSemaphores[m_inFlightIndex] },
        .signalFence = m_frameFences[m_inFlightIndex] // Signal Fence once submission and execution is complete

Filename: hello_triangle_overlap/hello_triangle.cpp

Note all the uses of m_inFlightIndex. It needs to be passed to the helper renderImGuiOverlay so that the function can properly use the current frame's resources. In the submit options, we only submit the current frame's command buffers. We attach the current frame's m_renderCompleteSemaphores semaphore to be signalled when this frame's render is completed, and we only wait on the current frame's fence. The last element is the waitSemaphores. We also wait on the current frame's m_presentCompleteSemaphores semaphore if the last instance of this frame was presented (determined by m_waitForPresentation). The presentation semaphores have already been set as the signal semaphore for swapchain image acquisition by the AdvancedExampleEngineLayer.

And the last change is to clean up the command buffers on cleanupScene.

    m_commandBuffers = {};

Filename: hello_triangle_overlap/hello_triangle.cpp

Pretty minimal changes for such a large performance increase! If you skipped the previous section to get here, please look at Hello Triangle and then Hello Triangle Native in order to understand why the CPU/GPU overlap is possible.

Updated on 2024-10-16 at 00:11:41 +0000