KD Chart 2 [rev.2.4]
LineDiagram defines a common line diagram. More...
#include <KDChartLineDiagram.h>
Public Types | |
enum | LineType { Normal = 0, Stacked = 1, Percent = 2 } |
Signals | |
void | aboutToBeDestroyed () |
This signal is emitted when this diagram is being destroyed, but before all the data, i.e. | |
void | dataHidden () |
This signal is emitted, when the hidden status of at least one data cell was (un)set. | |
void | layoutChanged (AbstractDiagram *) |
Diagrams are supposed to emit this signal, when the layout of one of their element changes. | |
void | modelDataChanged () |
This signal is emitted, when the model data is changed. | |
void | modelsChanged () |
This signal is emitted, when either the model or the AttributesModel is replaced. | |
void | propertiesChanged () |
Emitted upon change of a property of the Diagram. | |
void | viewportCoordinateSystemChanged () |
Emitted upon change of the view coordinate system. | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | addAxis (CartesianAxis *axis) |
Add the axis to the diagram. | |
bool | allowOverlappingDataValueTexts () const |
bool | antiAliasing () const |
virtual AttributesModel * | attributesModel () const |
Returns the AttributesModel, that is used by this diagram. | |
virtual KDChart::CartesianAxisList | axes () const |
QBrush | brush () const |
Retrieve the brush to be used for painting datapoints globally. | |
QBrush | brush (int dataset) const |
Retrieve the brush to be used for the given dataset. | |
QBrush | brush (const QModelIndex &index) const |
Retrieve the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model. | |
bool | centerDataPoints () const |
virtual LineDiagram * | clone () const |
Creates an exact copy of this diagram. | |
bool | compare (const LineDiagram *other) const |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings. | |
bool | compare (const AbstractCartesianDiagram *other) const |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings. | |
bool | compare (const AbstractDiagram *other) const |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings. | |
AbstractCoordinatePlane * | coordinatePlane () const |
The coordinate plane associated with the diagram. | |
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > | dataBoundaries () const |
Return the bottom left and top right data point, that the diagram will display (unless the grid adjusts these values). | |
virtual void | dataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) |
[reimplemented] | |
QList< QBrush > | datasetBrushes () const |
The set of dataset brushes currently used, for use in legends, etc. | |
int | datasetDimension () const |
The dataset dimension of a diagram determines, how many value dimensions it expects each datapoint to have. | |
QStringList | datasetLabels () const |
The set of dataset labels currently displayed, for use in legends, etc. | |
QList< MarkerAttributes > | datasetMarkers () const |
The set of dataset markers currently used, for use in legends, etc. | |
QList< QPen > | datasetPens () const |
The set of dataset pens currently used, for use in legends, etc. | |
DataValueAttributes | dataValueAttributes () const |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes specified globally. | |
DataValueAttributes | dataValueAttributes (int dataset) const |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset. | |
DataValueAttributes | dataValueAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) const |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given index. | |
virtual void | doItemsLayout () |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual int | horizontalOffset () const |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual QModelIndex | indexAt (const QPoint &point) const |
[reimplemented] | |
QModelIndexList | indexesAt (const QPoint &point) const |
This method is added alongside with indexAt from QAIM, since in kdchart multiple indexes can be displayed at the same spot. | |
bool | isHidden (int dataset) const |
Retrieve the hidden status for the given dataset. | |
bool | isHidden (const QModelIndex &index) const |
Retrieve the hidden status for the given index. | |
bool | isHidden () const |
Retrieve the hidden status specified globally. | |
virtual bool | isIndexHidden (const QModelIndex &index) const |
[reimplemented] | |
QStringList | itemRowLabels () const |
The set of item row labels currently displayed, for use in Abscissa axes, etc. | |
virtual void | layoutPlanes () |
Triggers layouting of all coordinate planes on the current chart. | |
LineAttributes | lineAttributes () const |
LineAttributes | lineAttributes (int column) const |
LineAttributes | lineAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) const |
LineDiagram (QWidget *parent=0, CartesianCoordinatePlane *plane=0) | |
virtual QModelIndex | moveCursor (CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) |
[reimplemented] | |
const int | numberOfAbscissaSegments () const |
const int | numberOfOrdinateSegments () const |
void | paintDataValueText (QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos, double value) |
virtual void | paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const MarkerAttributes &markerAttributes, const QBrush &brush, const QPen &, const QPointF &point, const QSizeF &size) |
void | paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const DataValueAttributes &a, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos) |
void | paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos) |
QPen | pen () const |
Retrieve the pen to be used for painting datapoints globally. | |
QPen | pen (int dataset) const |
Retrieve the pen to be used for the given dataset. | |
QPen | pen (const QModelIndex &index) const |
Retrieve the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model. | |
bool | percentMode () const |
Returns whether this diagram is drawn in percent mode. | |
virtual AbstractCartesianDiagram * | referenceDiagram () const |
virtual QPointF | referenceDiagramOffset () const |
void | resetLineAttributes (int column) |
Resets the line attributes of data set column. | |
void | resetLineAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) |
Remove any explicit line attributes settings that might have been specified before. | |
void | resize (const QSizeF &area) |
Called by the widget's sizeEvent. | |
bool | reverseDatasetOrder () const |
virtual void | scrollTo (const QModelIndex &index, ScrollHint hint=EnsureVisible) |
[reimplemented] | |
void | setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts (bool allow) |
Set whether data value labels are allowed to overlap. | |
void | setAntiAliasing (bool enabled) |
Set whether anti-aliasing is to be used while rendering this diagram. | |
void | setAttributesModel (AttributesModel *model) |
Associate an AttributesModel with this diagram. | |
void | setBrush (const QModelIndex &index, const QBrush &brush) |
Set the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index. | |
void | setBrush (const QBrush &brush) |
Set the brush to be used, for painting all datasets in the model. | |
void | setBrush (int dataset, const QBrush &brush) |
Set the brush to be used, for painting the given dataset. | |
void | setCenterDataPoints (bool center) |
If centerDataPoints() is true, all data points are moved by an offset of 0.5 to the right. | |
virtual void | setCoordinatePlane (AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane) |
[reimplemented] | |
void | setDatasetDimension (int dimension) |
void | setDataValueAttributes (const QModelIndex &index, const DataValueAttributes &a) |
Set the DataValueAttributes for the given index. | |
void | setDataValueAttributes (int dataset, const DataValueAttributes &a) |
Set the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset. | |
void | setDataValueAttributes (const DataValueAttributes &a) |
Set the DataValueAttributes for all datapoints in the model. | |
void | setHidden (const QModelIndex &index, bool hidden) |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) a data cell. | |
void | setHidden (int dataset, bool hidden) |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) a dataset. | |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) all datapoints in the model. | |
void | setLineAttributes (const QModelIndex &index, const LineAttributes &a) |
Sets the line attributes for the model index index to la. | |
void | setLineAttributes (const LineAttributes &a) |
Sets the global line attributes to la. | |
void | setLineAttributes (int column, const LineAttributes &a) |
Sets the line attributes of data set column to la. | |
void | setModel (QAbstractItemModel *model) |
Associate a model with the diagram. | |
void | setPen (const QModelIndex &index, const QPen &pen) |
Set the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index. | |
void | setPen (const QPen &pen) |
Set the pen to be used, for painting all datasets in the model. | |
void | setPen (int dataset, const QPen &pen) |
Set the pen to be used, for painting the given dataset. | |
void | setPercentMode (bool percent) |
Deprecated method that turns the percent mode of this diagram on or off. | |
virtual void | setReferenceDiagram (AbstractCartesianDiagram *diagram, const QPointF &offset=QPointF()) |
Makes this diagram use another diagram diagram as reference diagram with relative offset offset. | |
void | setReverseDatasetOrder (bool reverse) |
With this property set to true, data sets in a normal line diagram are drawn in reversed order. | |
void | setRootIndex (const QModelIndex &index) |
Set the root index in the model, where the diagram starts referencing data for display. | |
virtual void | setSelection (const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual void | setSelectionModel (QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel) |
Associate a seleection model with the diagrom. | |
void | setThreeDLineAttributes (int column, const ThreeDLineAttributes &a) |
Sets the 3D line attributes of data set column to ta. | |
void | setThreeDLineAttributes (const QModelIndex &index, const ThreeDLineAttributes &a) |
Sets the 3D line attributes of model index index to la. | |
void | setThreeDLineAttributes (const ThreeDLineAttributes &a) |
Sets the global 3D line attributes to la. | |
void | setType (const LineType type) |
Sets the line diagram's type to type. | |
void | setUnitPrefix (const QString &prefix, Qt::Orientation orientation) |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns. | |
void | setUnitPrefix (const QString &prefix, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation) |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column. | |
void | setUnitSuffix (const QString &suffix, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation) |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column. | |
void | setUnitSuffix (const QString &suffix, Qt::Orientation orientation) |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns. | |
void | setValueTrackerAttributes (const QModelIndex &index, const ValueTrackerAttributes &a) |
Sets the value tracker attributes of the model index index to va. | |
virtual void | takeAxis (CartesianAxis *axis) |
Removes the axis from the diagram, without deleting it. | |
ThreeDLineAttributes | threeDLineAttributes (int column) const |
ThreeDLineAttributes | threeDLineAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) const |
ThreeDLineAttributes | threeDLineAttributes () const |
LineType | type () const |
QString | unitPrefix (Qt::Orientation orientation) const |
Retrieves the axis unit prefix. | |
QString | unitPrefix (int column, Qt::Orientation orientation, bool fallback=false) const |
Retrieves the axis unit prefix for a specific column. | |
QString | unitSuffix (Qt::Orientation orientation) const |
Retrieves the axis unit suffix. | |
QString | unitSuffix (int column, Qt::Orientation orientation, bool fallback=false) const |
Retrieves the axis unit suffix for a specific column. | |
void | update () const |
void | useDefaultColors () |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the default palette. | |
void | useRainbowColors () |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the rainbow palette. | |
virtual bool | usesExternalAttributesModel () const |
Returns whether the diagram is using its own built-in attributes model or an attributes model that was set via setAttributesModel. | |
void | useSubduedColors () |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the subdued palette. | |
ValueTrackerAttributes | valueTrackerAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) const |
Returns the value tracker attributes of the model index index. | |
virtual int | verticalOffset () const |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual QRect | visualRect (const QModelIndex &index) const |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual QRegion | visualRegion (const QModelIndex &index) const |
virtual QRegion | visualRegionForSelection (const QItemSelection &selection) const |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual | ~LineDiagram () |
Protected Slots | |
void | setDataBoundariesDirty () const |
Protected Member Functions | |
QModelIndex | attributesModelRootIndex () const |
virtual const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > | calculateDataBoundaries () const |
[reimplemented] | |
virtual bool | checkInvariants (bool justReturnTheStatus=false) const |
LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicy | getCellValues (int row, int column, bool shiftCountedXValuesByHalfSection, double &valueX, double &valueY) const |
void | paint (PaintContext *paintContext) |
Draw the diagram contents to the rectangle and painter, that are passed in as part of the paint context. | |
virtual void | paintDataValueTexts (QPainter *painter) |
void | paintEvent (QPaintEvent *) |
virtual void | paintMarkers (QPainter *painter) |
void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *) |
void | setAttributesModelRootIndex (const QModelIndex &) |
void | setDatasetDimensionInternal (int dimension) |
virtual double | threeDItemDepth (int column) const |
virtual double | threeDItemDepth (const QModelIndex &index) const |
double | valueForCell (int row, int column) const |
Helper method, retrieving the data value (DisplayRole) for a given row and column. | |
double | valueForCellTesting (int row, int column, bool &bOK, bool showHiddenCellsAsInvalid=false) const |
LineDiagram defines a common line diagram.
It provides different subtypes which are set using setType.
Definition at line 42 of file KDChartLineDiagram.h.
Definition at line 66 of file KDChartLineDiagram.h.
LineDiagram::LineDiagram | ( | QWidget * | parent = 0 , |
CartesianCoordinatePlane * | plane = 0 |
) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 59 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
Referenced by clone().
LineDiagram::~LineDiagram | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 76 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::aboutToBeDestroyed | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
This signal is emitted when this diagram is being destroyed, but before all the data, i.e.
the attributes model, is invalidated.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::~AbstractDiagram().
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::addAxis | ( | CartesianAxis * | axis | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Add the axis to the diagram.
The diagram takes ownership of the axis and will delete it.
To gain back ownership (e.g. for assigning the axis to another diagram) use the takeAxis method, before calling addAxis on the other diagram.
Definition at line 95 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::layoutPlanes().
bool AbstractDiagram::allowOverlappingDataValueTexts | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Definition at line 491 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().
bool AbstractDiagram::antiAliasing | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Definition at line 502 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().
AttributesModel * AbstractDiagram::attributesModel | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Returns the AttributesModel, that is used by this diagram.
By default each diagram owns its own AttributesModel, which should never be deleted. Only if a user-supplied AttributesModel has been set does the pointer returned here not belong to the diagram.
Definition at line 317 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setAttributesModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setBarAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setBrush(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPen(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setRootIndex(), and KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram().
QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex | ( | ) | const [protected, inherited] |
returns a QModelIndex pointing into the AttributesModel that corresponds to the root index of the diagram.
Definition at line 347 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), KDChart::Plotter::numberOfAbscissaSegments(), numberOfAbscissaSegments(), KDChart::BarDiagram::numberOfAbscissaSegments(), KDChart::Plotter::numberOfOrdinateSegments(), numberOfOrdinateSegments(), KDChart::BarDiagram::numberOfOrdinateSegments(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::valueForCell(), and valueForCellTesting().
KDChart::CartesianAxisList AbstractCartesianDiagram::axes | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 114 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::Widget::setType(), and KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::sharedAxisMasterPlane().
QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the brush to be used for painting datapoints globally.
This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.
Definition at line 785 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetBrushRole.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::PolarDiagram::paint(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker().
QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush | ( | int | dataset | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the brush to be used for the given dataset.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.
dataset | The dataset to retrieve the brush for. |
Definition at line 791 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), d, and KDChart::DatasetBrushRole.
QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.
index | The index of the datapoint in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
Definition at line 799 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetBrushRole.
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > LineDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries | ( | ) | const [protected, virtual] |
Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Reimplemented in KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram.
Definition at line 371 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), and d.
bool LineDiagram::centerDataPoints | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 160 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by compare(), and referenceDiagramNeedsCenteredAbscissaTicks().
bool AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants | ( | bool | justReturnTheStatus = false | ) | const [protected, virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 1026 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane().
Referenced by KDChart::RingDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::PolarDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::Plotter::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::PieDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::BarDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::RingDiagram::paint(), KDChart::PolarDiagram::paint(), KDChart::Plotter::paint(), paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), KDChart::BarDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::PieDiagram::paintInternal(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers().
LineDiagram * LineDiagram::clone | ( | ) | const [virtual] |
Creates an exact copy of this diagram.
Reimplemented in KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram.
Definition at line 83 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, LineDiagram(), setType(), and type().
bool LineDiagram::compare | ( | const LineDiagram * | other | ) | const |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.
Definition at line 91 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References centerDataPoints(), reverseDatasetOrder(), and type().
bool AbstractDiagram::compare | ( | const AbstractDiagram * | other | ) | const [inherited] |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.
Definition at line 129 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::allowOverlappingDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::antiAliasing(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::percentMode().
bool AbstractCartesianDiagram::compare | ( | const AbstractCartesianDiagram * | other | ) | const [inherited] |
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.
Definition at line 44 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::referenceDiagram(), and KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::referenceDiagramOffset().
AbstractCoordinatePlane * AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.
This determines how coordinates in value space are mapped into pixel space. By default this is a CartesianCoordinatePlane.
Definition at line 220 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::BarDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::iconRect(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::layoutPlanes(), KDChart::PolarDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::polarCoordinatePlane(), KDChart::Plotter::resize(), resize(), KDChart::BarDiagram::resize(), and KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane().
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > AbstractDiagram::dataBoundaries | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Return the bottom left and top right data point, that the diagram will display (unless the grid adjusts these values).
This method returns a cached result of calculations done by calculateDataBoundaries. Classes derived from AbstractDiagram must implement the calculateDataBoundaries function, to specify their own way of calculating the data boundaries. If derived classes want to force recalculation of the data boundaries, they can call setDataBoundariesDirty()
Returned value is in diagram coordinates.
Definition at line 225 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), and d.
Referenced by KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::getRawDataBoundingRectFromDiagrams(), KDChart::PolarCoordinatePlane::layoutDiagrams(), KDChart::Plotter::paint(), paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::paint().
void AbstractDiagram::dataChanged | ( | const QModelIndex & | topLeft, |
const QModelIndex & | bottomRight | ||
) | [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 368 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().
Referenced by KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setModel(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
This signal is emitted, when the hidden status of at least one data cell was (un)set.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setHidden().
QList< QBrush > AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The set of dataset brushes currently used, for use in legends, etc.
Definition at line 987 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension().
Referenced by KDChart::Legend::datasetCount(), KDChart::Legend::removeDiagram(), and KDChart::Legend::setBrushesFromDiagram().
int AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The dataset dimension of a diagram determines, how many value dimensions it expects each datapoint to have.
For each dimension it will expect one column of values in the model. If the dimensionality is 1, automatic values will be used for the abscissa.
For example a diagram with the default dimension of 1, will have one column per datapoint (the y values) and will use automatic values for the x axis (1, 2, 3, ... n). If the dimension is 2, the diagram will use the first, (and the third, fifth, etc) columns as X values, and the second, (and the fourth, sixth, etc) column as Y values.
Definition at line 1038 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), getCellValues(), KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::getDataDimensionsList(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), and setType().
QStringList AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The set of dataset labels currently displayed, for use in legends, etc.
Definition at line 974 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::headerData().
Referenced by KDChart::Legend::datasetCount().
QList< MarkerAttributes > AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The set of dataset markers currently used, for use in legends, etc.
Definition at line 1013 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::DataValueAttributes::markerAttributes().
QList< QPen > AbstractDiagram::datasetPens | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The set of dataset pens currently used, for use in legends, etc.
Definition at line 1000 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen().
Referenced by KDChart::Legend::removeDiagram().
DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes specified globally.
This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.
Definition at line 445 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AttributesModel::modelData().
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram().
DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes | ( | int | dataset | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.
dataset | The dataset to retrieve the attributes for. |
Definition at line 451 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole.
DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given index.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at dataset or model level, if there are no datapoint specific settings.
index | The datapoint to retrieve the attributes for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
Definition at line 471 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole.
void AbstractDiagram::doItemsLayout | ( | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 359 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::update().
LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicy LineDiagram::getCellValues | ( | int | row, |
int | column, | ||
bool | shiftCountedXValuesByHalfSection, | ||
double & | valueX, | ||
double & | valueY | ||
) | const [protected] |
Definition at line 413 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), lineAttributes(), KDChart::LineAttributes::missingValuesPolicy(), KDChart::LineAttributes::MissingValuesPolicyIgnored, and valueForCellTesting().
int AbstractDiagram::horizontalOffset | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 907 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::indexAt | ( | const QPoint & | point | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
QModelIndexList AbstractDiagram::indexesAt | ( | const QPoint & | point | ) | const [inherited] |
This method is added alongside with indexAt from QAIM, since in kdchart multiple indexes can be displayed at the same spot.
Definition at line 1077 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the hidden status specified globally.
This will fall back automatically to the default settings ( = not hidden), if there are no specific settings.
Definition at line 405 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DataHiddenRole, and KDChart::AttributesModel::modelData().
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden(), and valueForCellTesting().
bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden | ( | int | dataset | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the hidden status for the given dataset.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at diagram level, if there are no dataset specific settings.
dataset | The dataset to retrieve the hidden status for. |
Definition at line 411 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DataHiddenRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden().
bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the hidden status for the given index.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at dataset or diagram level, if there are no datapoint specific settings.
index | The datapoint to retrieve the hidden status for. |
Definition at line 419 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.
bool AbstractDiagram::isIndexHidden | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 913 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
QStringList AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
The set of item row labels currently displayed, for use in Abscissa axes, etc.
Definition at line 958 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::headerData(), KDChart::AttributesModel::rowCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged | ( | AbstractDiagram * | ) | [signal, inherited] |
Diagrams are supposed to emit this signal, when the layout of one of their element changes.
Layouts can change, for example, when axes are added or removed, or when the configuration was changed in a way that the axes or the diagram itself are displayed in a different geometry. Changes in the diagrams coordinate system also result in the layoutChanged() signal being emitted.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::AbstractPieDiagram::setPieAttributes(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractPieDiagram::setThreeDPieAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().
void KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::layoutPlanes | ( | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Triggers layouting of all coordinate planes on the current chart.
Normally you don't need to call this method. It's handled automatically for you.
Definition at line 119 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::layoutPlanes().
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::addAxis(), and KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::takeAxis().
LineAttributes LineDiagram::lineAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const |
Definition at line 253 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::LineAttributesRole.
LineAttributes LineDiagram::lineAttributes | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Definition at line 242 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, lineAttributes(), and KDChart::LineAttributesRole.
LineAttributes LineDiagram::lineAttributes | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 233 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::LineAttributesRole.
Referenced by getCellValues(), and lineAttributes().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelDataChanged | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
This signal is emitted, when the model data is changed.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelsChanged | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
This signal is emitted, when either the model or the AttributesModel is replaced.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setSelectionModel().
QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::moveCursor | ( | CursorAction | cursorAction, |
Qt::KeyboardModifiers | modifiers | ||
) | [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 904 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
const int LineDiagram::numberOfAbscissaSegments | ( | ) | const [virtual] |
Implements KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.
Definition at line 467 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), and d.
const int LineDiagram::numberOfOrdinateSegments | ( | ) | const [virtual] |
Implements KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.
Definition at line 475 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), and d.
void LineDiagram::paint | ( | PaintContext * | paintContext | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Draw the diagram contents to the rectangle and painter, that are passed in as part of the paint context.
paintContext | All information needed for painting. |
Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Reimplemented in KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram.
Definition at line 437 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::PaintContext::coordinatePlane(), d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataBoundaries(), KDChart::PaintContext::painter(), KDChart::PaintContext::setCoordinatePlane(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::sharedAxisMasterPlane().
Referenced by paintEvent().
void AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueText | ( | QPainter * | painter, |
const QModelIndex & | index, | ||
const QPointF & | pos, | ||
double | value | ||
) | [inherited] |
Definition at line 519 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts().
void AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts | ( | QPainter * | painter | ) | [protected, virtual, inherited] |
Your own diagram classes should call d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers() instead which also is taking care for showing your cell-specific comments, if any,
Definition at line 535 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueText(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::translate().
void LineDiagram::paintEvent | ( | QPaintEvent * | ) | [protected] |
Definition at line 387 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References paint(), KDChart::PaintContext::setPainter(), and KDChart::PaintContext::setRectangle().
void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker | ( | QPainter * | painter, |
const DataValueAttributes & | a, | ||
const QModelIndex & | index, | ||
const QPointF & | pos | ||
) | [inherited] |
Definition at line 552 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), d, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::isVisible(), KDChart::DataValueAttributes::isVisible(), KDChart::DataValueAttributes::markerAttributes(), KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerColor(), KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerSize(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::MarkerAttributes::pen().
void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker | ( | QPainter * | painter, |
const MarkerAttributes & | markerAttributes, | ||
const QBrush & | brush, | ||
const QPen & | pen, | ||
const QPointF & | point, | ||
const QSizeF & | size | ||
) | [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 588 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerCircle, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerCross, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerFastCross, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerRing, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerSquare, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerStyle(), KDChart::MarkerAttributes::NoMarker, and KDChart::PrintingParameters::scalePen().
Referenced by KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::MarkerLayoutItem::paintIntoRect(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers().
void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker | ( | QPainter * | painter, |
const QModelIndex & | index, | ||
const QPointF & | pos | ||
) | [inherited] |
Definition at line 580 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker().
void AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers | ( | QPainter * | painter | ) | [protected, virtual, inherited] |
Your own diagram classes should call d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers() instead which also is taking care for showing your cell-specific comments, if any,
Definition at line 705 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::translate().
QPen AbstractDiagram::pen | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the pen to be used for painting datapoints globally.
This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.
Definition at line 742 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetPenRole.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen(), and KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setScanLinePen().
QPen AbstractDiagram::pen | ( | int | dataset | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the pen to be used for the given dataset.
This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.
dataset | The dataset to retrieve the pen for. |
Definition at line 748 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DatasetPenRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen().
QPen AbstractDiagram::pen | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieve the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.
index | The index of the datapoint in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
Definition at line 756 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetPenRole.
bool AbstractDiagram::percentMode | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Returns whether this diagram is drawn in percent mode.
If true, all data points in the same column of a diagram will be be drawn at the same X coordinate and stacked up so that the distance from the last data point (or the zero line) to a data point P is always the ratio of (Y-Value of P)/ (sum of all Y-Values in same column as P) relative to the diagrams height (or width, if abscissa and ordinate are swapped).
Note that this property is not applicable to all diagram types.
Definition at line 513 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
Emitted upon change of a property of the Diagram.
Referenced by KDChart::Plotter::resetLineAttributes(), resetLineAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAntiAliasing(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setBarAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setBrush(), setCenterDataPoints(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setLineAttributes(), setLineAttributes(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPen(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPercentMode(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setThreeDLineAttributes(), setThreeDLineAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), setType(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setType(), KDChart::Plotter::setValueTrackerAttributes(), and setValueTrackerAttributes().
AbstractCartesianDiagram * AbstractCartesianDiagram::referenceDiagram | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 179 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::compare(), KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::getDataDimensionsList(), KDChart::CartesianAxis::paintCtx(), referenceDiagramIsBarDiagram(), and referenceDiagramNeedsCenteredAbscissaTicks().
QPointF AbstractCartesianDiagram::referenceDiagramOffset | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 184 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::compare().
void LineDiagram::resetLineAttributes | ( | int | column | ) |
Resets the line attributes of data set column.
Definition at line 200 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::LineAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void LineDiagram::resetLineAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) |
Remove any explicit line attributes settings that might have been specified before.
Definition at line 223 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::LineAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void LineDiagram::resize | ( | const QSizeF & | area | ) | [virtual] |
Called by the widget's sizeEvent.
Adjust all internal structures, that are calculated, dependending on the size of the widget.
area |
Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Definition at line 457 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::zoomFactorX(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::zoomFactorY().
void LineDiagram::resizeEvent | ( | QResizeEvent * | ) | [protected] |
Definition at line 367 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
bool LineDiagram::reverseDatasetOrder | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 170 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by compare().
void AbstractDiagram::scrollTo | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
ScrollHint | hint = EnsureVisible |
) | [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 899 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
void AbstractDiagram::setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts | ( | bool | allow | ) | [inherited] |
Set whether data value labels are allowed to overlap.
allow | True means that overlapping labels are allowed. |
Definition at line 485 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setAntiAliasing | ( | bool | enabled | ) | [inherited] |
Set whether anti-aliasing is to be used while rendering this diagram.
enabled | True means that AA is enabled. |
Definition at line 496 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::setAttributesModel | ( | AttributesModel * | amodel | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Associate an AttributesModel with this diagram.
Note that the diagram does _not_ take ownership of the AttributesModel. This should thus only be used with AttributesModels that have been explicitly created by the user, and are owned by her. Setting an AttributesModel that is internal to another diagram is an error.
AttributesModel *am = new AttributesModel( model, 0 );
diagram1->setAttributesModel( am );
diagram2->setAttributesModel( am );
diagram1->setAttributesModel( diagram2->attributesModel() );
model | The AttributesModel to use for this diagram. |
Sets an external AttributesModel on this diagram. By default, a diagram has it's own internal set of attributes, but an external one can be set. This can be used to share attributes between several diagrams. The diagram does not take ownership of the attributesmodel.
Reimplemented from KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Definition at line 201 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), and d.
void AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModelRootIndex | ( | const QModelIndex & | idx | ) | [protected, inherited] |
Definition at line 338 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setRootIndex().
void AbstractDiagram::setBrush | ( | int | dataset, |
const QBrush & | brush | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the brush to be used, for painting the given dataset.
dataset | The dataset to set the brush for. |
brush | The brush to use. |
Definition at line 779 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setBrush | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const QBrush & | brush | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.
index | The datapoint's index in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
brush | The brush to use. |
Definition at line 764 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setData().
void AbstractDiagram::setBrush | ( | const QBrush & | brush | ) | [inherited] |
Set the brush to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.
brush | The brush to use. |
Definition at line 772 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setModelData().
void LineDiagram::setCenterDataPoints | ( | bool | center | ) |
If centerDataPoints() is true, all data points are moved by an offset of 0.5 to the right.
This is useful in conjunction with bar diagrams, since data points are then centered just like bars.
Definition at line 154 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane | ( | AbstractCoordinatePlane * | plane | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Reimplemented from KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Definition at line 129 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::update(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::viewportCoordinateSystemChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty | ( | ) | const [protected, slot, inherited] |
Definition at line 234 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::update().
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataChanged(), KDChart::Plotter::resize(), resize(), KDChart::BarDiagram::resize(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setThreeDLineAttributes(), setThreeDLineAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().
void AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimension | ( | int | dimension | ) | [inherited] |
Sets the dataset dimension of the diagram. Using this method is deprecated. Use the specific diagram types instead.
Definition at line 1043 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
void AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal | ( | int | dimension | ) | [protected, inherited] |
Definition at line 1049 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().
Referenced by KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram(), and KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::TernaryPointDiagram().
void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const DataValueAttributes & | a | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the DataValueAttributes for the given index.
index | The datapoint to set the attributes for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
a | The attributes to set. |
Definition at line 428 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes | ( | const DataValueAttributes & | a | ) | [inherited] |
Set the DataValueAttributes for all datapoints in the model.
a | The attributes to set. |
Definition at line 479 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes | ( | int | dataset, |
const DataValueAttributes & | a | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.
dataset | The dataset to set the attributes for. |
a | The attributes to set. |
Definition at line 439 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setHidden | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
bool | hidden | ||
) | [inherited] |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) a data cell.
index | The datapoint to set the hidden status for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
hidden | The hidden status to set. |
Definition at line 379 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.
void AbstractDiagram::setHidden | ( | int | dataset, |
bool | hidden | ||
) | [inherited] |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) a dataset.
dataset | The dataset to set the hidden status for. |
hidden | The hidden status to set. |
Definition at line 388 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.
void AbstractDiagram::setHidden | ( | bool | hidden | ) | [inherited] |
Hide (or unhide, resp.) all datapoints in the model.
hidden | The hidden status to set. |
Definition at line 397 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.
void LineDiagram::setLineAttributes | ( | int | column, |
const LineAttributes & | a | ||
) |
Sets the line attributes of data set column to la.
Definition at line 189 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::LineAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void LineDiagram::setLineAttributes | ( | const LineAttributes & | a | ) |
Sets the global line attributes to la.
Definition at line 178 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::LineAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void LineDiagram::setLineAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const LineAttributes & | a | ||
) |
Sets the line attributes for the model index index to la.
Definition at line 209 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::LineAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::setModel | ( | QAbstractItemModel * | model | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Associate a model with the diagram.
Reimplemented from KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Reimplemented in KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram.
Definition at line 195 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), and d.
void AbstractDiagram::setPen | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const QPen & | pen | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.
index | The datapoint's index in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair. |
pen | The pen to use. |
Definition at line 721 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setData().
void AbstractDiagram::setPen | ( | const QPen & | pen | ) | [inherited] |
Set the pen to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.
pen | The pen to use. |
Definition at line 729 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setModelData().
void AbstractDiagram::setPen | ( | int | dataset, |
const QPen & | pen | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the pen to be used, for painting the given dataset.
dataset | The dataset to set the pen for. |
pen | The pen to use. |
Definition at line 736 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::DatasetPenRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
void AbstractDiagram::setPercentMode | ( | bool | percent | ) | [inherited] |
Deprecated method that turns the percent mode of this diagram on or off.
This method is deprecated. Use the setType() method of a supporting diagram implementation instead, e.g. BarDiagram::setType().
Definition at line 507 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().
Referenced by KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::setReferenceDiagram | ( | AbstractCartesianDiagram * | diagram, |
const QPointF & | offset = QPointF() |
) | [virtual, inherited] |
Makes this diagram use another diagram diagram as reference diagram with relative offset offset.
To share cartesian axes between different diagrams there might be cases when you need that. Normally you don't.
Definition at line 173 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void LineDiagram::setReverseDatasetOrder | ( | bool | reverse | ) |
With this property set to true, data sets in a normal line diagram are drawn in reversed order.
More clearly, the first (top-most) data set in the source model will then appear in front. This is mostly due to historical reasons.
Definition at line 165 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::setRootIndex | ( | const QModelIndex & | idx | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Set the root index in the model, where the diagram starts referencing data for display.
Reimplemented from KDChart::AbstractDiagram.
Definition at line 189 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), and d.
void AbstractDiagram::setSelection | ( | const QRect & | rect, |
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags | command | ||
) | [virtual, inherited] |
void AbstractDiagram::setSelectionModel | ( | QItemSelectionModel * | selectionModel | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Associate a seleection model with the diagrom.
Definition at line 271 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelsChanged().
void LineDiagram::setThreeDLineAttributes | ( | const ThreeDLineAttributes & | a | ) |
Sets the global 3D line attributes to la.
Definition at line 265 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
void LineDiagram::setThreeDLineAttributes | ( | int | column, |
const ThreeDLineAttributes & | a | ||
) |
Sets the 3D line attributes of data set column to ta.
Definition at line 278 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
void LineDiagram::setThreeDLineAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const ThreeDLineAttributes & | a | ||
) |
Sets the 3D line attributes of model index index to la.
Definition at line 290 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
void LineDiagram::setType | ( | const LineType | type | ) |
Sets the line diagram's type to type.
Definition at line 114 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged(), Normal, Percent, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPercentMode(), Stacked, and type().
Referenced by clone().
void AbstractDiagram::setUnitPrefix | ( | const QString & | prefix, |
Qt::Orientation | orientation | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.
Sets the unit prefix for all values.
prefix | The prefix to be used. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis to use. |
prefix | the prefix to be set |
orientation | the orientantion of the axis to set |
Definition at line 821 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void AbstractDiagram::setUnitPrefix | ( | const QString & | prefix, |
int | column, | ||
Qt::Orientation | orientation | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.
Sets the unit prefix for one value.
prefix | The prefix to be used. |
column | The column which should be set. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis to use. |
prefix | the prefix to be set |
column | the value using that prefix |
orientation | the orientantion of the axis to set |
Definition at line 811 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void AbstractDiagram::setUnitSuffix | ( | const QString & | suffix, |
Qt::Orientation | orientation | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.
Sets the unit suffix for all values.
suffix | The suffix to be used. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis to use. |
suffix | the suffix to be set |
orientation | the orientantion of the axis to set |
Definition at line 842 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void AbstractDiagram::setUnitSuffix | ( | const QString & | suffix, |
int | column, | ||
Qt::Orientation | orientation | ||
) | [inherited] |
Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.
Sets the unit suffix for one value.
suffix | The suffix to be used. |
column | The column which should be set. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis to use. |
suffix | the suffix to be set |
column | the value using that suffix |
orientation | the orientantion of the axis to set |
Definition at line 832 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void LineDiagram::setValueTrackerAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index, |
const ValueTrackerAttributes & | a | ||
) |
Sets the value tracker attributes of the model index index to va.
Definition at line 347 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::ValueTrackerAttributesRole.
void AbstractCartesianDiagram::takeAxis | ( | CartesianAxis * | axis | ) | [virtual, inherited] |
Removes the axis from the diagram, without deleting it.
The diagram no longer owns the axis, so it is the caller's responsibility to delete the axis.
Definition at line 104 of file KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp.
References d, KDChart::AbstractAxis::deleteObserver(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::layoutPlanes(), and KDChart::AbstractLayoutItem::setParentWidget().
Referenced by KDChart::Widget::setType(), KDChart::CartesianAxis::~CartesianAxis(), and KDChart::LeveyJenningsAxis::~LeveyJenningsAxis().
double LineDiagram::threeDItemDepth | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [protected, virtual] |
Implements KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.
Definition at line 333 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References threeDLineAttributes(), and KDChart::AbstractThreeDAttributes::validDepth().
double LineDiagram::threeDItemDepth | ( | int | column | ) | const [protected, virtual] |
Implements KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.
Definition at line 338 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
ThreeDLineAttributes LineDiagram::threeDLineAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const |
Definition at line 325 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
ThreeDLineAttributes LineDiagram::threeDLineAttributes | ( | int | column | ) | const |
Definition at line 314 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, threeDLineAttributes(), and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
ThreeDLineAttributes LineDiagram::threeDLineAttributes | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 305 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::ThreeDLineAttributesRole.
Referenced by threeDItemDepth(), and threeDLineAttributes().
LineDiagram::LineType LineDiagram::type | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 149 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by clone(), compare(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::drawDataPointSymbol(), and setType().
QString AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix | ( | Qt::Orientation | orientation | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieves the axis unit prefix.
Returns the global unit prefix.
orientation | The orientation of the axis. |
orientation | the orientation of the axis |
Definition at line 865 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
QString AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix | ( | int | column, |
Qt::Orientation | orientation, | ||
bool | fallback = false |
) | const [inherited] |
Retrieves the axis unit prefix for a specific column.
Returns the unit prefix for a special value.
column | The column whose prefix should be retrieved. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis. |
fallback | If true, the prefix for all columns is returned, when none is set for the selected column. |
column | the value which's prefix is requested |
orientation | the orientation of the axis |
fallback | if true, the global prefix is return when no specific one is set for that value |
Definition at line 854 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), and KDChart::CartesianAxis::paintCtx().
QString AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix | ( | int | column, |
Qt::Orientation | orientation, | ||
bool | fallback = false |
) | const [inherited] |
Retrieves the axis unit suffix for a specific column.
Returns the unit suffix for a special value.
column | The column whose prefix should be retrieved. |
orientation | The orientation of the axis. |
fallback | If true, the suffix for all columns is returned, when none is set for the selected column. |
column | the value which's suffix is requested |
orientation | the orientation of the axis |
fallback | if true, the global suffix is return when no specific one is set for that value |
Definition at line 877 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), and KDChart::CartesianAxis::paintCtx().
QString AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix | ( | Qt::Orientation | orientation | ) | const [inherited] |
Retrieves the axis unit suffix.
Returns the global unit suffix.
orientation | The orientation of the axis. |
orientation | the orientation of the axis |
Definition at line 888 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void AbstractDiagram::update | ( | ) | const [inherited] |
Definition at line 1065 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::doItemsLayout(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setExpectedMeanValue(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setExpectedStandardDeviation(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setFluidicsPackChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setFluidicsPackChanges(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setLotChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setScanLinePen(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSensorChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSensorChanges(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSymbol(), and KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setTimeRange().
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useDefaultColors | ( | ) | [inherited] |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the default palette.
Definition at line 943 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeDefault.
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useRainbowColors | ( | ) | [inherited] |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the rainbow palette.
Definition at line 953 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeRainbow.
bool AbstractDiagram::usesExternalAttributesModel | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Returns whether the diagram is using its own built-in attributes model or an attributes model that was set via setAttributesModel.
Definition at line 311 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useSubduedColors | ( | ) | [inherited] |
Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the subdued palette.
Definition at line 948 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeSubdued.
double AbstractDiagram::valueForCell | ( | int | row, |
int | column | ||
) | const [protected, inherited] |
Helper method, retrieving the data value (DisplayRole) for a given row and column.
row | The row to query. |
column | The column to query. |
Definition at line 1059 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), and d.
double LineDiagram::valueForCellTesting | ( | int | row, |
int | column, | ||
bool & | bOK, | ||
bool | showHiddenCellsAsInvalid = false |
) | const [protected] |
Definition at line 399 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden().
Referenced by getCellValues().
ValueTrackerAttributes LineDiagram::valueTrackerAttributes | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const |
Returns the value tracker attributes of the model index index.
Definition at line 359 of file KDChartLineDiagram.cpp.
References d, and KDChart::ValueTrackerAttributesRole.
int AbstractDiagram::verticalOffset | ( | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 910 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::viewportCoordinateSystemChanged | ( | ) | [signal, inherited] |
Emitted upon change of the view coordinate system.
Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane().
QRect AbstractDiagram::visualRect | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
QRegion AbstractDiagram::visualRegion | ( | const QModelIndex & | index | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |
Definition at line 937 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.
References d.
QRegion AbstractDiagram::visualRegionForSelection | ( | const QItemSelection & | selection | ) | const [virtual, inherited] |