►NKDAB | |
►NUnitTest | |
CGenericFactory | |
CRunner | |
CTest | |
CTestFactory | |
CTestRegistry | |
►NKDChart | |
CAbstractArea | An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc |
CAbstractAreaBase | Base class for AbstractArea and AbstractAreaWidget: An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc |
CAbstractAreaWidget | An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc |
CAbstractAxis | The base class for axes |
CAbstractCartesianDiagram | Base class for diagrams based on a cartesian coordianate system |
CAbstractCoordinatePlane | Base class common for all coordinate planes, CartesianCoordinatePlane, PolarCoordinatePlane, TernaryCoordinatePlane |
CAbstractDiagram | AbstractDiagram defines the interface for diagram classes |
CAbstractLayoutItem | Base class for all layout items of KD Chart |
CAbstractPieDiagram | Base class for any diagram type |
CAbstractPolarDiagram | Base class for diagrams based on a polar coordinate system |
CAbstractProxyModel | Base class for all proxy models used inside KD Chart |
CAbstractTernaryDiagram | Base class for diagrams based on a ternary coordinate plane |
CAbstractThreeDAttributes | Base class for 3D attributes |
CAttributesModel | A proxy model used for decorating data with attributes |
CAutoSpacerLayoutItem | An empty layout item |
CBackgroundAttributes | Set of attributes usable for background pixmaps |
CBarAttributes | Set of attributes for changing the appearance of bar charts |
CBarDiagram | BarDiagram defines a common bar diagram |
CCartesianAxis | The class for cartesian axes |
CCartesianCoordinatePlane | Cartesian coordinate plane |
CChart | A chart with one or more diagrams |
CChartGraphicsItem | Graphics item used inside of the ReverseMapper |
CDataDimension | Helper class for one dimension of data, e.g |
CDatasetProxyModel | DatasetProxyModel takes a KDChart dataset configuration and translates it into a filtering proxy model |
CDatasetSelectorWidget | |
CDataValueAttributes | Diagram attributes dealing with data value labels |
CDiagramObserver | A DiagramObserver watches the associated diagram for changes and deletion and emits corresponsing signals |
CFrameAttributes | A set of attributes for frames around items |
CGlobalMeasureScaling | Auxiliary class used by the KDChart::Measure and KDChart::Chart class |
CGridAttributes | A set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids |
CHeaderFooter | A header or footer displaying text above or below charts |
CHorizontalLineLayoutItem | Layout item showing a horizontal line |
CLegend | Legend defines the interface for the legend drawing class |
CLeveyJenningsAxis | The class for levey jennings axes |
CLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane | Levey Jennings coordinate plane This is actually nothing real more than a plain cartesian coordinate plane |
CLeveyJenningsDiagram | LeveyDiagram defines a Levey Jennings chart |
CLeveyJenningsGridAttributes | A set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids |
CLineAttributes | Set of attributes for changing the appearance of line charts |
CLineDiagram | LineDiagram defines a common line diagram |
CLineLayoutItem | Layout item showing a coloured line |
CLineWithMarkerLayoutItem | Layout item showing a coloured line and a data point marker |
CMarkerAttributes | A set of attributes controlling the appearance of data set markers |
CMarkerLayoutItem | Layout item showing a data point marker |
CMeasure | Measure is used to specify relative and absolute sizes in KDChart, e.g |
CNullPaintDevice | |
CNullPaintEngine | |
CPaintContext | Stores information about painting diagrams |
CPalette | A Palette is a set of brushes (or colors) to be used for painting data sets |
CPieAttributes | A set of attributes controlling the appearance of pie charts |
CPieDiagram | PieDiagram defines a common pie diagram |
CPlotter | Plotter defines a diagram type plotting two-dimensional data |
►CPlotterDiagramCompressor | |
CCachePosition | |
CDataPoint | |
CIterator | |
CPolarCoordinatePlane | Polar coordinate plane |
CPolarDiagram | PolarDiagram defines a common polar diagram |
CPosition | Defines a position, using compass terminology |
CPositionPoints | Stores the absolute target points of a Position |
CPrintingParameters | PrintingParameters stores the scale factor which lines has to been scaled with when printing |
CPrivateAttributesModel | Internally used class just adding a special constructor used by AbstractDiagram |
CRadarCoordinatePlane | Radar coordinate plane |
CRadarDiagram | RadarDiagram defines a common radar diagram |
CRelativePosition | Defines relative position information: reference area, position in this area (reference position), horizontal / vertical padding, and rotation |
CReverseMapper | The ReverseMapper stores information about objects on a chart and their respective model indexes |
CRingDiagram | RingDiagram defines a common ring diagram |
CRulerAttributes | A set of attributes controlling the appearance of axis rulers |
CStockBarAttributes | Attributes to customize the appearance of a column in a stock chart |
CStockDiagram | |
CTernaryAxis | The class for ternary axes |
CTernaryCoordinatePlane | Ternary coordinate plane |
CTernaryLineDiagram | A TernaryLineDiagram is a line diagram with a ternary coordinate plane |
CTernaryPointDiagram | A TernaryPointDiagram is a point diagram within a ternary coordinate plane |
CTextArea | A text area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc |
CTextAttributes | A set of text attributes |
CTextBubbleLayoutItem | |
CTextLayoutItem | Layout item showing a text |
CThreeDBarAttributes | A set of 3D bar attributes |
CThreeDLineAttributes | A set of 3D line attributes |
CThreeDPieAttributes | A set of 3D pie attributes |
CValueTrackerAttributes | Cell-specific attributes regarding value tracking |
CVerticalLineLayoutItem | Layout item showing a vertial line |
CWidget | The KD Chart widget for usage without Model/View |
CZoomParameters | ZoomParameters stores the center and the factor of zooming internally |
►NKDGantt | |
CAbstractGrid | Abstract baseclass for grids. A grid is used to convert between QModelIndex'es and gantt chart values (qreals) and to paint the background and header of the view |
CAbstractRowController | Abstract baseclass for row controllers. A row controller is used by the GraphicsView to nagivate the model and to determine the row geometries |
CConstraint | A class used to represent a dependency |
CConstraintGraphicsItem | |
CConstraintModel | |
CConstraintProxy | |
CDateTimeGrid | |
CDateTimeScaleFormatter | |
CDateTimeSpan | |
CForwardingProxyModel | |
CGraphicsItem | |
CGraphicsScene | |
CGraphicsView | Model/view implementation of a gantt chart |
CItemDelegate | Class used to render gantt items in a KDGantt::GraphicsView |
CLegend | Legend showing an image and a description for Gantt items |
CListViewRowController | |
CProxyModel | |
CSpan | A class representing a start point and a length |
CStyleOptionGanttItem | QStyleOption subclass for gantt items |
CSummaryHandlingProxyModel | Proxy model that supports summary gantt items |
CTreeViewRowController | |
CView | This widget that consists of a QTreeView and a GraphicsView |
►NStockDiagram | |
CKDChartEnums | Project global class providing some enums needed both by KDChartParams and by KDChartCustomBox |
CKDTextDocument | KDTextDocument is an internally used enhanced QTextDocument |
CPrerenderedElement | Base class for prerendered elements like labels, pixmaps, markers, etc |
CPrerenderedLabel | PrerenderedLabel is an internal KDChart class that simplifies creation and caching of cached text labels |
CQAbstractItemView | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQAbstractProxyModel | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQFrame | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQGraphicsItem | |
CQGraphicsPolygonItem | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQGraphicsScene | |
CQGraphicsView | |
CQItemDelegate | |
CQLayoutItem | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQList | |
CQMap | |
CQObject | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQPaintDevice | |
CQPaintEngine | |
CQPair | |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQStyleOptionViewItem | |
CQTextDocument | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CQVector | |
CQWidget | Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes |
CTernaryPoint | TernaryPoint defines a point within a ternary coordinate plane |