KD Chart 2  [rev.2.6]
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CKDChart::AbstractAreaBaseBase class for AbstractArea and AbstractAreaWidget: An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc
 CKDChart::AbstractThreeDAttributesBase class for 3D attributes
 CKDChart::BackgroundAttributesSet of attributes usable for background pixmaps
 CKDChart::BarAttributesSet of attributes for changing the appearance of bar charts
 CKDChart::DataDimensionHelper class for one dimension of data, e.g
 CKDChart::DataValueAttributesDiagram attributes dealing with data value labels
 CKDChart::FrameAttributesA set of attributes for frames around items
 CKDChart::GlobalMeasureScalingAuxiliary class used by the KDChart::Measure and KDChart::Chart class
 CKDChart::GridAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids
 CKDChart::LeveyJenningsGridAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids
 CKDChart::LineAttributesSet of attributes for changing the appearance of line charts
 CKDChart::MarkerAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of data set markers
 CKDChart::MeasureMeasure is used to specify relative and absolute sizes in KDChart, e.g
 CKDChart::PaintContextStores information about painting diagrams
 CKDChart::PieAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of pie charts
 CKDChart::PositionDefines a position, using compass terminology
 CKDChart::PositionPointsStores the absolute target points of a Position
 CKDChart::PrintingParametersPrintingParameters stores the scale factor which lines has to been scaled with when printing
 CKDChart::RelativePositionDefines relative position information: reference area, position in this area (reference position), horizontal / vertical padding, and rotation
 CKDChart::ReverseMapperThe ReverseMapper stores information about objects on a chart and their respective model indexes
 CKDChart::RulerAttributesA set of attributes controlling the appearance of axis rulers
 CKDChart::StockBarAttributesAttributes to customize the appearance of a column in a stock chart
 CKDChart::TextAttributesA set of text attributes
 CKDChart::ValueTrackerAttributesCell-specific attributes regarding value tracking
 CKDChart::ZoomParametersZoomParameters stores the center and the factor of zooming internally
 CKDGantt::AbstractRowControllerAbstract baseclass for row controllers. A row controller is used by the GraphicsView to nagivate the model and to determine the row geometries
 CKDGantt::ConstraintA class used to represent a dependency
 CKDGantt::SpanA class representing a start point and a length
 CPrerenderedElementBase class for prerendered elements like labels, pixmaps, markers, etc
 CQAbstractItemViewClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQAbstractProxyModelClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQFrameClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQGraphicsPolygonItemClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQLayoutItemClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQList< T >
 CQList< KDGantt::ConstraintGraphicsItem * >
 CQMap< T, K >
 CQMap< GridType, bool >
 CQMap< GridType, QPen >
 CQMap< int, QMap< int, QMap< int, QVariant > > >
 CQMap< int, QMap< int, QVariant > >
 CQMap< int, QVariant >
 CQMap< KDChart::LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Range, QBrush >
 CQMap< KDChartEnums::PositionValue, qreal >
 CQMap< qreal, QPen >
 CQMap< uint, uint >
 CQObjectClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQPair< T1, T2 >
 CQSortFilterProxyModelClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQTextDocumentClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CQVector< T >
 CQVector< int >
 CQVector< KDChart::PlotterDiagramCompressor::DataPoint >
 CQVector< QBrush >
 CQWidgetClass only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes
 CTernaryPointTernaryPoint defines a point within a ternary coordinate plane

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