KDDockWidgets API Documentation
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15 #include "Separator_p.h"
28 Separator *Config::createSeparator(Widget *parent)
30 if (m_separatorFactoryFunc)
31 return m_separatorFactoryFunc(parent);
36 void Config::registerQmlTypes()
39 qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Item>(
"com.kdab.kddockwidgets.multisplitter", 1, 0,
40 "KDMultiSplitter", QStringLiteral(
"enum access"));
57 return Item::separatorThickness;
62 if (value < 0 || value >= 100) {
63 qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO <<
"Invalid value" << value;
67 Layouting::Item::separatorThickness = value;
72 if (m_separatorFactoryFunc && !func) {
73 qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO <<
"Refusing to store nullptr separator func";
77 m_separatorFactoryFunc = func;
82 return m_separatorFactoryFunc;
int separatorThickness() const
Returns the thickness of the separator.
void setFlags(Flags)
sets the flags. Set only before creating any Item
static Config & self()
returns the singleton Config instance
Separator *(* SeparatorFactoryFunc)(Layouting::Widget *parent)
void setSeparatorFactoryFunc(SeparatorFactoryFunc)
sets the function used internally to create the separators
void setSeparatorThickness(int value)
setter for separatorThickness Note: Only use this function at startup before creating any Item
SeparatorFactoryFunc separatorFactoryFunc() const
Returns the function used to create separators, null by default.
destructor, called at shutdown
Config::Flags flags() const
returns the flags;