Helper library for MFC to Qt migration
CKListModel::ChangedItem | The ChangedItem struct contains info on the changed item, it's emitted by KListModel::itemChanged signal |
CKListModel::ColumnInfo | The ColumnInfo struct contains information about a column in the list view control |
▼CCPropertyPage | |
CCPropertyPageProxy | Temporary class used during the migration of a CPropertySheet |
CKHeaderCtrl::HeaderItem | |
CKListModel::HitTestInfo | Contains information about a hit test |
CKListModel::Item | Contains attributes of a list view item or subitem |
CKCheck | Used to replace DDX_Check data exchange |
CKComboBox | Used to replace DDX_Control combobox data exchange |
CKEdit | Used to replace DDX_Control edit data exchange |
CKMultiEdit | Used to replace DDX_Control edit data exchange, for multi line edit |
CKNumber< T > | Used to replace DDX_Text data exchange for numeric types |
CKPoint | Defines a point in the plane using integer precision |
CKProgressCtrl | Used to replace DDX_Control edit data exchange |
CKRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision |
CKResourceHelper | Used to access resources |
CKSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision |
CKSliderCtrl | Used to replace DDX_Control slider data exchange |
CKSpinButtonCtrl | Used to replace DDX_Control edit data exchange |
CKTabCtrl | Used to replace DDX_Control tab bar data exchange |
CKText | Class used as member for DDX_Text data exchange |
CKListModel::Position | The Position struct is the position of the item in the view |
▼CQAbstractItemModel | |
CKListModel | Used to replace DDX_Control edit data exchange |
▼CQBrush | |
CKBrush | Defines a brush to be used during painting |
▼CQButtonGroup | |
CKButtonGroup | Used to replace DDX_Radio data exchange |
▼CQDialog | |
▼CKWidgetBase< QDialog > | |
▼CKDialog | Used to replace MFC KDialog |
CKPropertySheet | Dialog with a tab control that contains property pages |
▼CQEvent | |
CKMessageEvent | Event use internally to map the MFC message handling |
▼CQFont | |
CKFont | Defines a font to be used during painting |
▼CQList | |
CKImageList | Defines a list of images, each of the same size |
CKStringArray | List of strings |
▼CQMenu | |
CKMenu | |
▼CQObject | |
CKCommandManager | Emulates the way MFC command handling |
CKHeaderCtrl | Used to replace CHeaderCtrl |
CKItemViewToolTipHandler | Special filter to handle tooltip events |
▼CQPainter | |
CKPainter | Used to paint on a widget |
▼CQPen | |
CKPen | Defines a font to be used during painting |
▼CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CKSortFilterProxyModel | The KSortFilterProxyModel is a QSortFilterProxyModel that allows custom sorting |
▼CQString | |
CKString | Unicode character string |
▼CQWidget | |
▼CKWidgetBase< QWidget > | |
▼CKWidget | Used to replace MFC CWnd |
CKPropertyPage | Used as a page inside a KPropertySheet |
CQWinHost | API to use native Win32 windows in Qt applications |
CQWinWidget | Qt widget that can be child of a native Win32 widget |
CKWidgetBase< T >::ScrollInfo | Struct used to retrieve or set the scroll bar parameters maintains |
CKResourceHelper::StringForTranslation | |
▼CT | |
CKWidgetBase< T > | Maps the MFC API of CWnd |