endpoint.h | |
enums.h | |
metaobject.h | |
metaobjectrepository.h | MetaObject repository macros |
metaproperty.h | |
metatypedeclarations.h | Declares the various metatypes |
modelroles.h | A collection of custom model roles shared between client and server |
objectbroker.h | |
objectmodel.h | Declares the public object model roles |
objectmodelbase.h | Declares a template for an ObjectModelBase class |
objecttypefilterproxymodel.h | Declares a template for an ObjectTypeFilterProxyModel class |
probeinterface.h | Declares the ProbeInterface abstract base class |
propertycontroller.h | |
propertycontrollerextension.h | |
propertycontrollerinterface.h | |
protocol.h | |
singlecolumnobjectproxymodel.h | Declares the SingleColumnObjectProxyModel class |
toolfactory.h | Declares the ToolFactory abstract base class |
util.h | Declares various utility methods needed when writing a GammaRay plugin |
varianthandler.h |