KDChart::PolarDiagram Class Reference

#include <KDChartPolarDiagram.h>

Inheritance diagram for KDChart::PolarDiagram:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for KDChart::PolarDiagram:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

PolarDiagram defines a common polar diagram.

Definition at line 46 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.h.


void dataHidden ()
 This signal is emitted, when the hidden status of at least one data cell was (un)set.
void layoutChanged (AbstractDiagram *)
 Diagrams are supposed to emit this signal, when the layout of one of their element changes.
void modelsChanged ()
 This signal is emitted, when either the model or the AttributesModel is replaced.
void propertiesChanged ()
 Emitted upon change of a property of the Diagram.

Public Member Functions

bool allowOverlappingDataValueTexts () const
Whether data value labels are allowed to overlap.

bool antiAliasing () const
Whether anti-aliasing is to be used for rendering this diagram.

virtual AttributesModelattributesModel () const
 Returns the AttributesModel, that is used by this diagram.
QBrush brush (const QModelIndex &index) const
 Retrieve the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.
QBrush brush (int dataset) const
 Retrieve the brush to be used for the given dataset.
QBrush brush () const
 Retrieve the brush to be used for painting datapoints globally.
virtual PolarDiagramclone () const
 Creates an exact copy of this diagram.
bool closeDatasets () const
int columnCount () const
bool compare (const AbstractDiagram *other) const
 Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.
AbstractCoordinatePlanecoordinatePlane () const
 The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > dataBoundaries () const
 Return the bottom left and top right data point, that the diagram will display (unless the grid adjusts these values).
virtual void dataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
QList< QBrush > datasetBrushes () const
 The set of dataset brushes currently used, for use in legends, etc.
int datasetDimension () const
 The dataset dimension of a diagram determines, how many value dimensions it expects each datapoint to have.
QStringList datasetLabels () const
 The set of dataset labels currently displayed, for use in legends, etc.
QList< MarkerAttributesdatasetMarkers () const
 The set of dataset markers currently used, for use in legends, etc.
QList< QPen > datasetPens () const
 The set of dataset pens currently used, for use in legends, etc.
DataValueAttributes dataValueAttributes (const QModelIndex &index) const
 Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given index.
DataValueAttributes dataValueAttributes (int dataset) const
 Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.
DataValueAttributes dataValueAttributes () const
 Retrieve the DataValueAttributes specified globally.
virtual void doItemsLayout ()
virtual int horizontalOffset () const
virtual QModelIndex indexAt (const QPoint &point) const
QModelIndexList indexesAt (const QPoint &point) const
 This method is added alongside with indexAt from QAIM, since in kdchart multiple indexes can be displayed at the same spot.
bool isHidden (const QModelIndex &index) const
 Retrieve the hidden status for the given index.
bool isHidden (int dataset) const
 Retrieve the hidden status for the given dataset.
bool isHidden () const
 Retrieve the hidden status specified globally.
virtual bool isIndexHidden (const QModelIndex &index) const
QStringList itemRowLabels () const
 The set of item row labels currently displayed, for use in Abscissa axes, etc.
virtual QModelIndex moveCursor (CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
virtual double numberOfDatasets () const
virtual double numberOfGridRings () const
virtual double numberOfValuesPerDataset () const
virtual void paint (PaintContext *paintContext, bool calculateListAndReturnScale, qreal &newZoomX, qreal &newZoomY)
void paintDataValueText (QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos, double value)
void paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos)
void paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const DataValueAttributes &a, const QModelIndex &index, const QPointF &pos)
virtual void paintMarker (QPainter *painter, const MarkerAttributes &markerAttributes, const QBrush &brush, const QPen &, const QPointF &point, const QSizeF &size)
QPen pen (const QModelIndex &index) const
 Retrieve the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.
QPen pen (int dataset) const
 Retrieve the pen to be used for the given dataset.
QPen pen () const
 Retrieve the pen to be used for painting datapoints globally.
bool percentMode () const
const PolarCoordinatePlanepolarCoordinatePlane () const
 PolarDiagram (QWidget *parent=0, PolarCoordinatePlane *plane=0)
virtual void resize (const QSizeF &area)
bool rotateCircularLabels () const
int rowCount () const
virtual void scrollTo (const QModelIndex &index, ScrollHint hint=EnsureVisible)
void setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts (bool allow)
 Set whether data value labels are allowed to overlap.
void setAntiAliasing (bool enabled)
 Set whether anti-aliasing is to be used while rendering this diagram.
virtual void setAttributesModel (AttributesModel *model)
 Associate an AttributesModel with this diagram.
void setBrush (const QBrush &brush)
 Set the brush to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.
void setBrush (int dataset, const QBrush &brush)
 Set the brush to be used, for painting the given dataset.
void setBrush (const QModelIndex &index, const QBrush &brush)
 Set the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.
void setCloseDatasets (bool closeDatasets)
 Close each of the data series by connecting the last point to its respective start point.
virtual void setCoordinatePlane (AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane)
 Set the coordinate plane associated with the diagram.
void setDatasetDimension (int dimension)
void setDataValueAttributes (const DataValueAttributes &a)
 Set the DataValueAttributes for all datapoints in the model.
void setDataValueAttributes (int dataset, const DataValueAttributes &a)
 Set the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.
void setDataValueAttributes (const QModelIndex &index, const DataValueAttributes &a)
 Set the DataValueAttributes for the given index.
void setHidden (bool hidden)
 Hide (or unhide, resp.
void setHidden (int dataset, bool hidden)
 Hide (or unhide, resp.
void setHidden (const QModelIndex &index, bool hidden)
 Hide (or unhide, resp.
virtual void setModel (QAbstractItemModel *model)
 Associate a model with the diagram.
void setPen (const QPen &pen)
 Set the pen to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.
void setPen (int dataset, const QPen &pen)
 Set the pen to be used, for painting the given dataset.
void setPen (const QModelIndex &index, const QPen &pen)
 Set the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.
void setPercentMode (bool percent)
virtual void setRootIndex (const QModelIndex &idx)
 Set the root index in the model, where the diagram starts referencing data for display.
void setRotateCircularLabels (bool rotateCircularLabels)
virtual void setSelection (const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command)
virtual void setSelectionModel (QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
 Associate a seleection model with the diagrom.
void setShowDelimitersAtPosition (Position position, bool showDelimiters)
void setShowLabelsAtPosition (Position position, bool showLabels)
void setUnitPrefix (const QString &prefix, Qt::Orientation orientation)
 Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.
void setUnitPrefix (const QString &prefix, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation)
 Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.
void setUnitSuffix (const QString &suffix, Qt::Orientation orientation)
 Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.
void setUnitSuffix (const QString &suffix, int column, Qt::Orientation orientation)
 Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.
void setZeroDegreePosition (int degrees)
bool showDelimitersAtPosition (Position position) const
bool showLabelsAtPosition (Position position) const
QString unitPrefix (Qt::Orientation orientation) const
 Retrieves the axis unit prefix.
QString unitPrefix (int column, Qt::Orientation orientation, bool fallback=false) const
 Retrieves the axis unit prefix for a specific column.
QString unitSuffix (Qt::Orientation orientation) const
 Retrieves the axis unit suffix.
QString unitSuffix (int column, Qt::Orientation orientation, bool fallback=false) const
 Retrieves the axis unit suffix for a specific column.
void update () const
void useDefaultColors ()
 Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the default palette.
void useRainbowColors ()
 Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the rainbow palette.
virtual bool usesExternalAttributesModel () const
 Returns whether the diagram is using its own built-in attributes model or an attributes model that was set via setAttributesModel.
void useSubduedColors ()
 Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the subdued palette.
virtual double valueTotals () const
virtual int verticalOffset () const
virtual QRect visualRect (const QModelIndex &index) const
virtual QRegion visualRegion (const QModelIndex &index) const
virtual QRegion visualRegionForSelection (const QItemSelection &selection) const
int zeroDegreePosition () const
virtual ~PolarDiagram ()

Protected Slots

void setDataBoundariesDirty () const

Protected Member Functions

QModelIndex attributesModelRootIndex () const
virtual const QPair< QPointF,
QPointF > 
calculateDataBoundaries () const
virtual bool checkInvariants (bool justReturnTheStatus=false) const
virtual void paint (PaintContext *paintContext)
virtual void paintDataValueTexts (QPainter *painter)
 This method is obsolete and provided for backward-compatibility only.
void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
virtual void paintMarkers (QPainter *painter)
 This method is obsolete and provided for backward-compatibility only.
virtual void paintPolarMarkers (PaintContext *ctx, const QPolygonF &polygon)
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *)
void setAttributesModelRootIndex (const QModelIndex &)
void setDatasetDimensionInternal (int dimension)
double valueForCell (int row, int column) const
 Helper method, retrieving the data value (DisplayRole) for a given row and column.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PolarDiagram::PolarDiagram ( QWidget parent = 0,
PolarCoordinatePlane plane = 0 
) [explicit]

Definition at line 49 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

Referenced by clone().

00049                                                                          :
00050     AbstractPolarDiagram( new Private( ), parent, plane )
00051 {
00052     //init();
00053 }

PolarDiagram::~PolarDiagram (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 55 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00056 {
00057 }

Member Function Documentation

bool AbstractDiagram::allowOverlappingDataValueTexts (  )  const [inherited]

Whether data value labels are allowed to overlap.

Definition at line 511 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().

00512 {
00513     return d->allowOverlappingDataValueTexts;
00514 }

bool AbstractDiagram::antiAliasing (  )  const [inherited]

Whether anti-aliasing is to be used for rendering this diagram.

Definition at line 522 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().

00523 {
00524     return d->antiAliasing;
00525 }

AttributesModel * AbstractDiagram::attributesModel (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the AttributesModel, that is used by this diagram.

By default each diagram owns its own AttributesModel, which should never be deleted. Only if a user-supplied AttributesModel has been set does the pointer returned here not belong to the diagram.

The AttributesModel associated with the diagram.
See also:
a pointer to the AttributesModel currently used by this diagram.

Definition at line 315 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), StockDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), StockDiagram::init(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), StockDiagram::paint(), paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setAttributesModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setBarAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setBrush(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPen(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setRootIndex(), StockDiagram::setStockBarAttributes(), StockDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), StockDiagram::stockBarAttributes(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram(), and StockDiagram::threeDBarAttributes().

00316 {
00317     return d->attributesModel;
00318 }

QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex (  )  const [protected, inherited]

returns a QModelIndex pointing into the AttributesModel that corresponds to the root index of the diagram.

Definition at line 345 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by StockDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), KDChart::Plotter::numberOfAbscissaSegments(), KDChart::LineDiagram::numberOfAbscissaSegments(), KDChart::BarDiagram::numberOfAbscissaSegments(), KDChart::Plotter::numberOfOrdinateSegments(), KDChart::LineDiagram::numberOfOrdinateSegments(), KDChart::BarDiagram::numberOfOrdinateSegments(), StockDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::valueForCell(), and KDChart::LineDiagram::valueForCellTesting().

00346 {
00347     if ( !d->attributesModelRootIndex.isValid() )
00348         d->attributesModelRootIndex = d->attributesModel->mapFromSource( rootIndex() );
00349     return d->attributesModelRootIndex;
00350 }

QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.

index The index of the datapoint in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
The brush to use for painting.

Definition at line 850 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetBrushRole.

00851 {
00852     return qVariantValue<QBrush>(
00853         attributesModel()->data( conditionallyMapFromSource( index ), DatasetBrushRole ) );
00854 }

QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush ( int  dataset  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the brush to be used for the given dataset.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.

dataset The dataset to retrieve the brush for.
The brush to use for painting.

Definition at line 835 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension().

00836 {
00837     // To store the brush for a dataset, we use the first column
00838     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00839     // of two, the column of the keys)
00840     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00842     const QVariant brushSettings(
00843             attributesModel()->headerData( column, Qt::Vertical,
00844                     DatasetBrushRole ) );
00845     if( brushSettings.isValid() )
00846         return qVariantValue< QBrush >( brushSettings );
00847     return brush();
00848 }

QBrush AbstractDiagram::brush (  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the brush to be used for painting datapoints globally.

This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.

The brush to use for painting.

Definition at line 829 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetBrushRole.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), paint(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker().

00830 {
00831     return qVariantValue<QBrush>(
00832         attributesModel()->data( DatasetBrushRole ) );
00833 }

const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > PolarDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries (  )  const [protected, virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.

Definition at line 101 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), and KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::rowCount().

00102 {
00103     if ( !checkInvariants(true) ) return QPair<QPointF, QPointF>( QPointF( 0, 0 ), QPointF( 0, 0 ) );
00104     const int rowCount = model()->rowCount(rootIndex());
00105     const int colCount = model()->columnCount(rootIndex());
00106     double xMin = 0.0;
00107     double xMax = colCount;
00108     double yMin = 0, yMax = 0;
00109     for ( int iCol=0; iCol<colCount; ++iCol ) {
00110         for ( int iRow=0; iRow< rowCount; ++iRow ) {
00111             double value = model()->data( model()->index( iRow, iCol, rootIndex() ) ).toDouble();
00112             yMax = qMax( yMax, value );
00113             yMin = qMin( yMin, value );
00114         }
00115     }
00116     QPointF bottomLeft ( QPointF( xMin, yMin ) );
00117     QPointF topRight ( QPointF( xMax, yMax ) );
00118     return QPair<QPointF, QPointF> ( bottomLeft,  topRight );
00119 }

bool AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants ( bool  justReturnTheStatus = false  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 1077 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane().

Referenced by KDChart::RingDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::Plotter::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::PieDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::LineDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::BarDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::RingDiagram::paint(), paint(), KDChart::Plotter::paint(), KDChart::LineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), KDChart::BarDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::PieDiagram::paintInternal(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers().

01078 {
01079     if( ! justReturnTheStatus ){
01080         Q_ASSERT_X ( model(), "AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants()",
01081                     "There is no usable model set, for the diagram." );
01083         Q_ASSERT_X ( coordinatePlane(), "AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants()",
01084                     "There is no usable coordinate plane set, for the diagram." );
01085     }
01086     return model() && coordinatePlane();
01087 }

PolarDiagram * PolarDiagram::clone (  )  const [virtual]

Creates an exact copy of this diagram.

Definition at line 90 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References closeDatasets(), d, PolarDiagram(), StockDiagram::Private::Private(), rotateCircularLabels(), showDelimitersAtPosition(), and showLabelsAtPosition().

00091 {
00092     PolarDiagram* newDiagram = new PolarDiagram( new Private( *d ) );
00093     // This needs to be copied after the fact
00094     newDiagram->d->showDelimitersAtPosition = d->showDelimitersAtPosition;
00095     newDiagram->d->showLabelsAtPosition = d->showLabelsAtPosition;
00096     newDiagram->d->rotateCircularLabels = d->rotateCircularLabels;
00097     newDiagram->d->closeDatasets = d->closeDatasets;
00098     return newDiagram;
00099 }

bool PolarDiagram::closeDatasets (  )  const

Definition at line 287 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by clone(), and paint().

00288 {
00289     return d->closeDatasets;
00290 }

int AbstractPolarDiagram::columnCount (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 60 of file KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::numberOfValuesPerDataset().

Referenced by KDChart::RingDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::PieDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::RingDiagram::paint(), KDChart::PieDiagram::paintInternal(), KDChart::RingDiagram::valueTotals(), and KDChart::PieDiagram::valueTotals().

00061 {
00062     return static_cast<int>( numberOfValuesPerDataset() );
00063 }

bool AbstractDiagram::compare ( const AbstractDiagram other  )  const [inherited]

Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.

Definition at line 131 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::allowOverlappingDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::antiAliasing(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::percentMode().

00132 {
00133     if( other == this ) return true;
00134     if( ! other ){
00135         //qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::compare() cannot compare to Null pointer";
00136         return false;
00137     }
00138     /*
00139     qDebug() << "\n             AbstractDiagram::compare() QAbstractScrollArea:";
00140             // compare QAbstractScrollArea properties
00141     qDebug() <<
00142             ((horizontalScrollBarPolicy() == other->horizontalScrollBarPolicy()) &&
00143             (verticalScrollBarPolicy()    == other->verticalScrollBarPolicy()));
00144     qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::compare() QFrame:";
00145             // compare QFrame properties
00146     qDebug() <<
00147             ((frameShadow() == other->frameShadow()) &&
00148             (frameShape()   == other->frameShape()) &&
00149             (frameWidth()   == other->frameWidth()) &&
00150             (lineWidth()    == other->lineWidth()) &&
00151             (midLineWidth() == other->midLineWidth()));
00152     qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::compare() QAbstractItemView:";
00153             // compare QAbstractItemView properties
00154     qDebug() <<
00155             ((alternatingRowColors() == other->alternatingRowColors()) &&
00156             (hasAutoScroll()         == other->hasAutoScroll()) &&
00157 #if QT_VERSION > 0x040199
00158             (dragDropMode()          == other->dragDropMode()) &&
00159             (dragDropOverwriteMode() == other->dragDropOverwriteMode()) &&
00160             (horizontalScrollMode()  == other->horizontalScrollMode ()) &&
00161             (verticalScrollMode()    == other->verticalScrollMode()) &&
00162 #endif
00163             (dragEnabled()           == other->dragEnabled()) &&
00164             (editTriggers()          == other->editTriggers()) &&
00165             (iconSize()              == other->iconSize()) &&
00166             (selectionBehavior()     == other->selectionBehavior()) &&
00167             (selectionMode()         == other->selectionMode()) &&
00168             (showDropIndicator()     == other->showDropIndicator()) &&
00169             (tabKeyNavigation()      == other->tabKeyNavigation()) &&
00170             (textElideMode()         == other->textElideMode()));
00171     qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::compare() AttributesModel: ";
00172             // compare all of the properties stored in the attributes model
00173     qDebug() << attributesModel()->compare( other->attributesModel() );
00174     qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::compare() own:";
00175             // compare own properties
00176     qDebug() <<
00177             ((rootIndex().column()            == other->rootIndex().column()) &&
00178             (rootIndex().row()                == other->rootIndex().row()) &&
00179             (allowOverlappingDataValueTexts() == other->allowOverlappingDataValueTexts()) &&
00180             (antiAliasing()                   == other->antiAliasing()) &&
00181             (percentMode()                    == other->percentMode()) &&
00182             (datasetDimension()               == other->datasetDimension()));
00183     */
00184     return  // compare QAbstractScrollArea properties
00185             (horizontalScrollBarPolicy() == other->horizontalScrollBarPolicy()) &&
00186             (verticalScrollBarPolicy()   == other->verticalScrollBarPolicy()) &&
00187             // compare QFrame properties
00188             (frameShadow()  == other->frameShadow()) &&
00189             (frameShape()   == other->frameShape()) &&
00190 // frameWidth is a read-only property defined by the style, it should not be in here:
00191             // (frameWidth()   == other->frameWidth()) &&
00192             (lineWidth()    == other->lineWidth()) &&
00193             (midLineWidth() == other->midLineWidth()) &&
00194             // compare QAbstractItemView properties
00195             (alternatingRowColors()  == other->alternatingRowColors()) &&
00196             (hasAutoScroll()         == other->hasAutoScroll()) &&
00197 #if QT_VERSION > 0x040199
00198             (dragDropMode()          == other->dragDropMode()) &&
00199             (dragDropOverwriteMode() == other->dragDropOverwriteMode()) &&
00200             (horizontalScrollMode()  == other->horizontalScrollMode ()) &&
00201             (verticalScrollMode()    == other->verticalScrollMode()) &&
00202 #endif
00203             (dragEnabled()           == other->dragEnabled()) &&
00204             (editTriggers()          == other->editTriggers()) &&
00205             (iconSize()              == other->iconSize()) &&
00206             (selectionBehavior()     == other->selectionBehavior()) &&
00207             (selectionMode()         == other->selectionMode()) &&
00208             (showDropIndicator()     == other->showDropIndicator()) &&
00209             (tabKeyNavigation()      == other->tabKeyNavigation()) &&
00210             (textElideMode()         == other->textElideMode()) &&
00211             // compare all of the properties stored in the attributes model
00212             attributesModel()->compare( other->attributesModel() ) &&
00213             // compare own properties
00214             (rootIndex().column()             == other->rootIndex().column()) &&
00215             (rootIndex().row()                == other->rootIndex().row()) &&
00216             (allowOverlappingDataValueTexts() == other->allowOverlappingDataValueTexts()) &&
00217             (antiAliasing()                   == other->antiAliasing()) &&
00218             (percentMode()                    == other->percentMode()) &&
00219             (datasetDimension()               == other->datasetDimension());
00220 }

AbstractCoordinatePlane * AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane (  )  const [inherited]

The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.

This determines how coordinates in value space are mapped into pixel space. By default this is a CartesianCoordinatePlane.

The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.

Definition at line 222 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::iconRect(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::layoutPlanes(), paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::polarCoordinatePlane(), StockDiagram::resize(), KDChart::Plotter::resize(), KDChart::LineDiagram::resize(), KDChart::BarDiagram::resize(), and KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane().

00223 {
00224     return d->plane;
00225 }

const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > AbstractDiagram::dataBoundaries (  )  const [inherited]

Return the bottom left and top right data point, that the diagram will display (unless the grid adjusts these values).

This method returns a chached result of calculations done by calculateDataBoundaries. Classes derived from AbstractDiagram must implement the calculateDataBoundaries function, to specify their own way of calculating the data boundaries. If derived classes want to force recalculation of the data boundaries, they can call setDataBoundariesDirty()

Returned value is in diagram coordinates.

Definition at line 227 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), and d.

Referenced by KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::getRawDataBoundingRectFromDiagrams(), KDChart::PolarCoordinatePlane::layoutDiagrams(), KDChart::Plotter::paint(), KDChart::LineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::paint().

00228 {
00229     if( d->databoundariesDirty ){
00230         d->databoundaries = calculateDataBoundaries ();
00231         d->databoundariesDirty = false;
00232     }
00233     return d->databoundaries;
00234 }

void AbstractDiagram::dataChanged ( const QModelIndex &  topLeft,
const QModelIndex &  bottomRight 
) [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 366 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().

Referenced by KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setModel().

00368 {
00369     Q_UNUSED( topLeft );
00370     Q_UNUSED( bottomRight );
00371     // We are still too dumb to do intelligent updates...
00372     setDataBoundariesDirty();
00373     scheduleDelayedItemsLayout();
00374 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden (  )  [signal, inherited]

This signal is emitted, when the hidden status of at least one data cell was (un)set.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setHidden().

QList< QBrush > AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes (  )  const [inherited]

The set of dataset brushes currently used, for use in legends, etc.

Cell-level override brushes, if set, take precedence over the dataset values, so you might need to check these too, in order to find the brush, that is used for a single cell.
The current set of dataset brushes.

Definition at line 1038 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension().

Referenced by KDChart::Legend::datasetCount(), and KDChart::Legend::setBrushesFromDiagram().

01039 {
01040     QList<QBrush> ret;
01041     if( model() == 0 )
01042         return ret;
01044     const int datasetCount = attributesModel()->columnCount(attributesModelRootIndex()) / datasetDimension();
01045     for ( int dataset = 0; dataset < datasetCount; dataset++ )
01046         ret << brush( dataset );
01048     return ret;
01049 }

int AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension (  )  const [inherited]

The dataset dimension of a diagram determines, how many value dimensions it expects each datapoint to have.

For each dimension it will expect one column of values in the model. If the dimensionality is 1, automatic values will be used for the abscissa.

For example a diagram with the default dimension of 1, will have one column per datapoint (the y values) and will use automatic values for the x axis (1, 2, 3, ... n). If the dimension is 2, the diagram will use the first, (and the third, fifth, etc) columns as X values, and the second, (and the fourth, sixth, etc) column as Y values.

The dataset dimension of the diagram.

Definition at line 1089 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetBrushes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), KDChart::LineDiagram::getCellValues(), KDChart::CartesianCoordinatePlane::getDataDimensionsList(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setBrush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setHidden(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPen(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), and KDChart::LineDiagram::setType().

01090 {
01091     return d->datasetDimension;
01092 }

QStringList AbstractDiagram::datasetLabels (  )  const [inherited]

The set of dataset labels currently displayed, for use in legends, etc.

The set of dataset labels currently displayed.

Definition at line 1025 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::headerData().

Referenced by KDChart::Legend::datasetCount().

01026 {
01027     QStringList ret;
01028     if( model() == 0 )
01029         return ret;
01031     const int columnCount = attributesModel()->columnCount(attributesModelRootIndex());
01032     for( int i = 0; i < columnCount; i += datasetDimension() )
01033         ret << attributesModel()->headerData( i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
01035     return ret;
01036 }

QList< MarkerAttributes > AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers (  )  const [inherited]

The set of dataset markers currently used, for use in legends, etc.

Cell-level override markers, if set, take precedence over the dataset values, so you might need to check these too, in order to find the marker, that is shown for a single cell.
The current set of dataset brushes.

Definition at line 1064 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::DataValueAttributes::markerAttributes().

01065 {
01066     QList<MarkerAttributes> ret;
01067     if( model() == 0 )
01068         return ret;
01070     const int datasetCount = attributesModel()->columnCount(attributesModelRootIndex()) / datasetDimension();
01071     for ( int dataset = 0; dataset < datasetCount; dataset++ )
01072         ret << dataValueAttributes( dataset ).markerAttributes();
01074     return ret;
01075 }

QList< QPen > AbstractDiagram::datasetPens (  )  const [inherited]

The set of dataset pens currently used, for use in legends, etc.

Cell-level override pens, if set, take precedence over the dataset values, so you might need to check these too, in order to find the pens, that is used for a single cell.
The current set of dataset pens.

Definition at line 1051 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::columnCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen().

01052 {
01053     QList<QPen> ret;
01054     if( model() == 0 )
01055         return ret;
01057     const int datasetCount = attributesModel()->columnCount(attributesModelRootIndex()) / datasetDimension();
01058     for ( int dataset = 0; dataset < datasetCount; dataset++ )
01059         ret << pen( dataset );
01061     return ret;
01062 }

DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given index.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at dataset or model level, if there are no datapoint specific settings.

index The datapoint to retrieve the attributes for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
The DataValueAttributes for the given index.

Definition at line 491 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole.

00492 {
00493     return qVariantValue<DataValueAttributes>(
00494         attributesModel()->data(
00495             conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00496             KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole ) );
00497 }

DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes ( int  dataset  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.

dataset The dataset to retrieve the attributes for.
The DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.

Definition at line 465 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole.

00466 {
00467     /*
00468     The following did not work!
00469     (khz, 2008-01-25)
00470     If there was some attrs specified for the 0-th cells of a dataset,
00471     then this logic would return the cell's settings instead of the header settings:
00473     return qVariantValue<DataValueAttributes>(
00474         attributesModel()->data( attributesModel()->mapFromSource(columnToIndex( column )),
00475         KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole ) );
00476     */
00478     // To store the attributes for a dataset, we use the first column
00479     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00480     // of two, the column of the keys)
00481     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00483     const QVariant headerAttrs(
00484             attributesModel()->headerData( column, Qt::Vertical,
00485                 KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole ) );
00486     if( headerAttrs.isValid() )
00487         return qVariantValue< DataValueAttributes >( headerAttrs );
00488     return dataValueAttributes();
00489 }

DataValueAttributes AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes (  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the DataValueAttributes specified globally.

This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.

The global DataValueAttributes.

Definition at line 459 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AttributesModel::modelData().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetMarkers(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram().

00460 {
00461     return qVariantValue<DataValueAttributes>(
00462         attributesModel()->modelData( KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole ) );
00463 }

void AbstractDiagram::doItemsLayout (  )  [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 357 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::update().

00358 {
00359     if ( d->plane ) {
00360         d->plane->layoutDiagrams();
00361         update();
00362     }
00363     QAbstractItemView::doItemsLayout();
00364 }

int AbstractDiagram::horizontalOffset (  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 958 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

00959 { return 0; }

QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::indexAt ( const QPoint &  point  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 1123 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::Chart::event().

01124 {
01125     return d->indexAt( point );
01126 }

QModelIndexList AbstractDiagram::indexesAt ( const QPoint &  point  )  const [inherited]

This method is added alongside with indexAt from QAIM, since in kdchart multiple indexes can be displayed at the same spot.

Definition at line 1128 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

01129 {
01130     return d->indexesAt( point );
01131 }

bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the hidden status for the given index.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at dataset or diagram level, if there are no datapoint specific settings.

index The datapoint to retrieve the hidden status for.
The hidden status for the given index.

Definition at line 427 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.

00428 {
00429     return qVariantValue<bool>(
00430         attributesModel()->data(
00431             conditionallyMapFromSource(index),
00432             DataHiddenRole ) );
00433 }

bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden ( int  dataset  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the hidden status for the given dataset.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at diagram level, if there are no dataset specific settings.

dataset The dataset to retrieve the hidden status for.
The hidden status for the given dataset.

Definition at line 413 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DataHiddenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden().

00414 {
00415     // To store the flag for a dataset, we use the first column
00416     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00417     // of two, the column of the keys)
00418     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00419     const QVariant boolFlag(
00420             attributesModel()->headerData( column, Qt::Vertical,
00421                     DataHiddenRole ) );
00422     if( boolFlag.isValid() )
00423         return qVariantValue< bool >( boolFlag );
00424     return isHidden();
00425 }

bool AbstractDiagram::isHidden (  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the hidden status specified globally.

This will fall back automatically to the default settings ( = not hidden), if there are no specific settings.

The global hidden status.

Definition at line 407 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DataHiddenRole, and KDChart::AttributesModel::modelData().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::isHidden(), and KDChart::LineDiagram::valueForCellTesting().

00408 {
00409     return qVariantValue<bool>(
00410         attributesModel()->modelData( DataHiddenRole ) );
00411 }

bool AbstractDiagram::isIndexHidden ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 964 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

00965 { return true; }

QStringList AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels (  )  const [inherited]

The set of item row labels currently displayed, for use in Abscissa axes, etc.

The set of item row labels currently displayed.

Definition at line 1009 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AttributesModel::headerData(), KDChart::AttributesModel::rowCount(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix().

01010 {
01011     QStringList ret;
01012     if( model() ){
01013         //qDebug() << "AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(): " << attributesModel()->rowCount(attributesModelRootIndex()) << "entries";
01014         const int rowCount = attributesModel()->rowCount(attributesModelRootIndex());
01015         for( int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i ){
01016             //qDebug() << "item row label: " << attributesModel()->headerData( i, Qt::Vertical, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
01017             ret << unitPrefix( i, Qt::Horizontal, true ) +
01018                    attributesModel()->headerData( i, Qt::Vertical, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() +
01019                    unitSuffix( i, Qt::Horizontal, true );
01020         }
01021     }
01022     return ret;
01023 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged ( AbstractDiagram  )  [signal, inherited]

Diagrams are supposed to emit this signal, when the layout of one of their element changes.

Layouts can change, for example, when axes are added or removed, or when the configuration was changed in a way that the axes or the diagram itself are displayed in a different geometry. Changes in the diagrams coordinate system also result in the layoutChanged() signal being emitted.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::AbstractPieDiagram::setPieAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractPieDiagram::setThreeDPieAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelsChanged (  )  [signal, inherited]

This signal is emitted, when either the model or the AttributesModel is replaced.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setSelectionModel().

QModelIndex AbstractDiagram::moveCursor ( CursorAction  cursorAction,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers 
) [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 955 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

00956 { return QModelIndex(); }

virtual double KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::numberOfDatasets (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in KDChart::RingDiagram.

Definition at line 52 of file KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.h.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::rowCount().

00052 { return 1; };

double PolarDiagram::numberOfGridRings (  )  const [virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram.

Definition at line 255 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00256 {
00257     return 5; // FIXME
00258 }

double PolarDiagram::numberOfValuesPerDataset (  )  const [virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram.

Definition at line 249 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00250 {
00251     return model() ? model()->rowCount(rootIndex()) : 0.0;
00252 }

void PolarDiagram::paint ( PaintContext paintContext,
bool  calculateListAndReturnScale,
qreal &  newZoomX,
qreal &  newZoomY 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 150 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::Position::Center, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), closeDatasets(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), d, KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::geometry(), KDChart::AttributesModel::headerData(), p, KDChart::PaintContext::painter(), KDChart::PaintContext::rectangle(), KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::rowCount(), KDChart::PrintingParameters::scalePen(), KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::translate(), KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::zoomFactorX(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::zoomFactorY().

00153 {
00154     // note: Not having any data model assigned is no bug
00155     //       but we can not draw a diagram then either.
00156     if ( !checkInvariants(true) )
00157         return;
00158     d->reverseMapper.clear();
00160     const int rowCount = model()->rowCount( rootIndex() );
00161     const int colCount = model()->columnCount( rootIndex() );
00163     int iRow, iCol;
00165     if( calculateListAndReturnScale ){
00167         // Check if all of the data value texts / data comments will fit
00168         // into the available space:
00169         d->dataValueInfoList.clear();
00170         for ( iCol=0; iCol < colCount; ++iCol ) {
00171             for ( iRow=0; iRow < rowCount; ++iRow ) {
00172                 QModelIndex index = model()->index( iRow, iCol, rootIndex() );
00173                 const double value = model()->data( index ).toDouble();
00174                 QPointF point = coordinatePlane()->translate(
00175                         QPointF( value, iRow ) ) + ctx->rectangle().topLeft();
00176                 //qDebug() << point;
00177                 d->appendDataValueTextInfoToList(
00178                         this, d->dataValueInfoList, index, 0,
00179                         PositionPoints( point ), Position::Center, Position::Center,
00180                         value );
00181             }
00182         }
00183         const qreal oldZoomX = coordinatePlane()->zoomFactorX();
00184         const qreal oldZoomY = coordinatePlane()->zoomFactorY();
00185         newZoomX = oldZoomX;
00186         newZoomY = oldZoomY;
00187         if( d->dataValueInfoList.count() ){
00188             QRectF txtRectF;
00189             d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers( this, ctx, d->dataValueInfoList, true, true, &txtRectF );
00190             const QRect txtRect = txtRectF.toRect();
00191             const QRect curRect = coordinatePlane()->geometry();
00192             const qreal gapX = qMin( txtRect.left() - curRect.left(), curRect.right()  - txtRect.right() );
00193             const qreal gapY = qMin( txtRect.top()  - curRect.top(),  curRect.bottom() - txtRect.bottom() );
00194             newZoomX = oldZoomX;
00195             newZoomY = oldZoomY;
00196             if( gapX < 0.0 )
00197                 newZoomX *= 1.0 + (gapX-1.0) / curRect.width();
00198             if( gapY < 0.0 )
00199                 newZoomY *= 1.0 + (gapY-1.0) / curRect.height();
00200         }
00202     }else{
00204         for ( iCol=0; iCol < colCount; ++iCol ) {
00205             //TODO(khz): As of yet PolarDiagram can not show per-segment line attributes
00206             //           but it draws every polyline in one go - using one color.
00207             //           This needs to be enhanced to allow for cell-specific settings
00208             //           in the same way as LineDiagram does it.
00209             QBrush brush = qVariantValue<QBrush>( attributesModel()->headerData( iCol, Qt::Vertical, KDChart::DatasetBrushRole ) );
00210             QPolygonF polygon;
00211             QPointF point0;
00212             for ( iRow=0; iRow < rowCount; ++iRow ) {
00213                 QModelIndex index = model()->index( iRow, iCol, rootIndex() );
00214                 const double value = model()->data( index ).toDouble();
00215                 QPointF point = coordinatePlane()->translate(
00216                         QPointF( value, iRow ) ) + ctx->rectangle().topLeft();
00217                 polygon.append( point );
00218                 //qDebug() << point;
00219                 if( ! iRow )
00220                     point0= point;
00221             }
00222             if( closeDatasets() && rowCount )
00223                 polygon.append( point0 );
00225             PainterSaver painterSaver( ctx->painter() );
00226             ctx->painter()->setRenderHint ( QPainter::Antialiasing );
00227             ctx->painter()->setBrush( brush );
00228             QPen p( ctx->painter()->pen() );
00229             p.setColor( brush.color() ); // FIXME use DatasetPenRole
00230             p.setWidth( 2 );// FIXME properties
00231             ctx->painter()->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( p ) );
00232             ctx->painter()->drawPolyline( polygon );
00233         }
00234         d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers( this, ctx, d->dataValueInfoList, true );
00235     }
00236 }

void PolarDiagram::paint ( PaintContext paintContext  )  [protected, virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.

Definition at line 143 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

Referenced by KDChart::PolarCoordinatePlane::paint(), and paintEvent().

00144 {
00145     qreal dummy1, dummy2;
00146     paint( ctx, true,  dummy1, dummy2 );
00147     paint( ctx, false, dummy1, dummy2 );
00148 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueText ( QPainter *  painter,
const QModelIndex &  index,
const QPointF &  pos,
double  value 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 539 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts().

00543 {
00544     d->paintDataValueText( this, painter, index, pos, value );
00545 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueTexts ( QPainter *  painter  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

This method is obsolete and provided for backward-compatibility only.

Your own diagram classes should call d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers() instead which also is taking care for showing your cell-specific comments, if any,

Definition at line 555 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintDataValueText(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::translate().

00556 {
00557     if ( !checkInvariants() ) return;
00558     const int rowCount = model()->rowCount(rootIndex());
00559     const int columnCount = model()->columnCount(rootIndex());
00560     d->clearListOfAlreadyDrawnDataValueTexts();
00561     for ( int i=datasetDimension()-1; i<columnCount; i += datasetDimension() ) {
00562        for ( int j=0; j< rowCount; ++j ) {
00563            const QModelIndex index = model()->index( j, i, rootIndex() );
00564            double value = model()->data( index ).toDouble();
00565            const QPointF pos = coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( j, value ) );
00566            paintDataValueText( painter, index, pos, value );
00567        }
00568     }
00569 }

void PolarDiagram::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *   )  [protected]

Definition at line 123 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References paint(), KDChart::PaintContext::setPainter(), and KDChart::PaintContext::setRectangle().

00124 {
00125     QPainter painter ( viewport() );
00126     PaintContext ctx;
00127     ctx.setPainter ( &painter );
00128     ctx.setRectangle( QRectF ( 0, 0, width(), height() ) );
00129     paint ( &ctx );
00130 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker ( QPainter *  painter,
const QModelIndex &  index,
const QPointF &  pos 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 600 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataValueAttributes(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker().

00603 {
00604     if ( !checkInvariants() ) return;
00605     paintMarker( painter, dataValueAttributes( index ), index, pos );
00606 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker ( QPainter *  painter,
const DataValueAttributes a,
const QModelIndex &  index,
const QPointF &  pos 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 572 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::brush(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), d, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::isVisible(), KDChart::DataValueAttributes::isVisible(), KDChart::DataValueAttributes::markerAttributes(), KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerColor(), KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerSize(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::MarkerAttributes::pen().

00576 {
00577     if ( !checkInvariants() || !a.isVisible() ) return;
00578     const MarkerAttributes ma = a.markerAttributes();
00579     if ( !ma.isVisible() ) return;
00581     const PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
00582     // the size of the marker - unscaled
00583     const QSizeF maSize( ma.markerSize().width() / painter->matrix().m11(), 
00584                          ma.markerSize().height() / painter->matrix().m22() );
00585     QBrush indexBrush( brush( index ) );
00586     QPen indexPen( ma.pen() );
00587     if ( ma.markerColor().isValid() )
00588         indexBrush.setColor( ma.markerColor() );
00590     paintMarker( painter, ma, indexBrush, indexPen, pos, maSize );
00592     // workaround: BC cannot be changed, otherwise we would pass the
00593     // index down to next-lower paintMarker function. So far, we
00594     // basically save a circle of radius maSize at pos in the
00595     // reverseMapper. This means that ^^^ this version of paintMarker
00596     // needs to be called to reverse-map the marker.
00597     d->reverseMapper.addCircle( index.row(), index.column(), pos, 2 * maSize );
00598 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker ( QPainter *  painter,
const MarkerAttributes markerAttributes,
const QBrush &  brush,
const QPen &  pen,
const QPointF &  point,
const QSizeF &  size 
) [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 608 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerCircle, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerCross, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerFastCross, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerRing, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerSquare, KDChart::MarkerAttributes::markerStyle(), p, and KDChart::PrintingParameters::scalePen().

Referenced by KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::MarkerLayoutItem::paintIntoRect(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers().

00614 {
00615     const QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
00616     // Pen is used to paint 4Pixels - 1 Pixel - Ring and FastCross types.
00617     // make sure to use the brush color - see above in those cases.
00618     const bool isFourPixels = (markerAttributes.markerStyle() == MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels);
00619     if( isFourPixels || (markerAttributes.markerStyle() == MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel) ){
00620         // for high-performance point charts with tiny point markers:
00621         painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color().light() ) ) );
00622         if( isFourPixels ){
00623             const qreal x = pos.x();
00624             const qreal y = pos.y();
00625             painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y-1.0),
00626                                QPointF(x+1.0,y-1.0) );
00627             painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y),
00628                                QPointF(x+1.0,y) );
00629             painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y+1.0),
00630                                QPointF(x+1.0,y+1.0) );
00631         }
00632         painter->drawPoint( pos );
00633     }else{
00634         const PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
00635         // we only a solid line surrounding the markers
00636         QPen painterPen( pen );
00637         painterPen.setStyle( Qt::SolidLine );
00638         painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( painterPen ) );
00639         painter->setBrush( brush );
00640         painter->setRenderHint ( QPainter::Antialiasing );
00641         painter->translate( pos );
00642         switch ( markerAttributes.markerStyle() ) {
00643             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerCircle:
00644                 painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( 0 - maSize.height()/2, 0 - maSize.width()/2,
00645                             maSize.height(), maSize.width()) );
00646                 break;
00647             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerSquare:
00648                 {
00649                     QRectF rect( 0 - maSize.width()/2, 0 - maSize.height()/2,
00650                                 maSize.width(), maSize.height() );
00651                     painter->drawRect( rect );
00652                     break;
00653                 }
00654             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond:
00655                 {
00656                     QVector <QPointF > diamondPoints;
00657                     QPointF top, left, bottom, right;
00658                     top    = QPointF( 0, 0 - maSize.height()/2 );
00659                     left   = QPointF( 0 - maSize.width()/2, 0 );
00660                     bottom = QPointF( 0, maSize.height()/2 );
00661                     right  = QPointF( maSize.width()/2, 0 );
00662                     diamondPoints << top << left << bottom << right;
00663                     painter->drawPolygon( diamondPoints );
00664                     break;
00665                 }
00666             // both handled on top of the method:
00667             case MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel:
00668             case MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels:
00669                     break;
00670             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerRing:
00671                 {
00672                     painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color() ) ) );
00673                     painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
00674                     painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( 0 - maSize.height()/2, 0 - maSize.width()/2,
00675                                         maSize.height(), maSize.width()) );
00676                     break;
00677                 }
00678             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerCross:
00679                 {
00680                     // Note: Markers can have outline,
00681                     //       so just drawing two rects is NOT the solution here!
00682                     const qreal w02 = maSize.width() * 0.2;
00683                     const qreal w05 = maSize.width() * 0.5;
00684                     const qreal h02 = maSize.height()* 0.2;
00685                     const qreal h05 = maSize.height()* 0.5;
00686                     QVector <QPointF > crossPoints;
00687                     QPointF p[12];
00688                     p[ 0] = QPointF( -w02, -h05 );
00689                     p[ 1] = QPointF(  w02, -h05 );
00690                     p[ 2] = QPointF(  w02, -h02 );
00691                     p[ 3] = QPointF(  w05, -h02 );
00692                     p[ 4] = QPointF(  w05,  h02 );
00693                     p[ 5] = QPointF(  w02,  h02 );
00694                     p[ 6] = QPointF(  w02,  h05 );
00695                     p[ 7] = QPointF( -w02,  h05 );
00696                     p[ 8] = QPointF( -w02,  h02 );
00697                     p[ 9] = QPointF( -w05,  h02 );
00698                     p[10] = QPointF( -w05, -h02 );
00699                     p[11] = QPointF( -w02, -h02 );
00700                     for( int i=0; i<12; ++i )
00701                         crossPoints << p[i];
00702                     crossPoints << p[0];
00703                     painter->drawPolygon( crossPoints );
00704                     break;
00705                 }
00706             case MarkerAttributes::MarkerFastCross:
00707                 {
00708                     QPointF left, right, top, bottom;
00709                     left  = QPointF( -maSize.width()/2, 0 );
00710                     right = QPointF( maSize.width()/2, 0 );
00711                     top   = QPointF( 0, -maSize.height()/2 );
00712                     bottom= QPointF( 0, maSize.height()/2 );
00713                     painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color() ) ) );
00714                     painter->drawLine( left, right );
00715                     painter->drawLine(  top, bottom );
00716                     break;
00717                 }
00718             default:
00719                 Q_ASSERT_X ( false, "paintMarkers()",
00720                             "Type item does not match a defined Marker Type." );
00721         }
00722     }
00723     painter->setPen( oldPen );
00724 }

void AbstractDiagram::paintMarkers ( QPainter *  painter  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

This method is obsolete and provided for backward-compatibility only.

Your own diagram classes should call d->paintDataValueTextsAndMarkers() instead which also is taking care for showing your cell-specific comments, if any,

Definition at line 726 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::checkInvariants(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::paintMarker(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::translate().

00727 {
00728     if ( !checkInvariants() ) return;
00729     const int rowCount = model()->rowCount(rootIndex());
00730     const int columnCount = model()->columnCount(rootIndex());
00731     for ( int i=datasetDimension()-1; i<columnCount; i += datasetDimension() ) {
00732        for ( int j=0; j< rowCount; ++j ) {
00733            const QModelIndex index = model()->index( j, i, rootIndex() );
00734            double value = model()->data( index ).toDouble();
00735            const QPointF pos = coordinatePlane()->translate( QPointF( j, value ) );
00736            paintMarker( painter, index, pos );
00737        }
00738     }
00739 }

void PolarDiagram::paintPolarMarkers ( PaintContext ctx,
const QPolygonF &  polygon 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 136 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00137 {
00138     Q_UNUSED(ctx);
00139     Q_UNUSED(polygon);
00140     // obsolete, since we are using real markers now!
00141 }

QPen AbstractDiagram::pen ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index in the model.

index The index of the datapoint in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
The pen to use for painting.

Definition at line 792 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetPenRole.

00793 {
00794     return qVariantValue<QPen>(
00795         attributesModel()->data(
00796             conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00797             DatasetPenRole ) );
00798 }

QPen AbstractDiagram::pen ( int  dataset  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the pen to be used for the given dataset.

This will fall back automatically to what was set at model level, if there are no dataset specific settings.

dataset The dataset to retrieve the pen for.
The pen to use for painting.

Definition at line 777 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen().

00778 {
00779     // To store the pen for a dataset, we use the first column
00780     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00781     // of two, the column of the keys)
00782     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00784     const QVariant penSettings(
00785             attributesModel()->headerData( column, Qt::Vertical,
00786                     DatasetPenRole ) );
00787     if( penSettings.isValid() )
00788         return qVariantValue< QPen >( penSettings );
00789     return pen();
00790 }

QPen AbstractDiagram::pen (  )  const [inherited]

Retrieve the pen to be used for painting datapoints globally.

This will fall back automatically to the default settings, if there are no specific settings.

The pen to use for painting.

Definition at line 771 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AttributesModel::data(), and KDChart::DatasetPenRole.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetPens(), KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::paint(), KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::paint(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::paint(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::pen().

00772 {
00773     return qVariantValue<QPen>(
00774         attributesModel()->data( DatasetPenRole ) );
00775 }

bool AbstractDiagram::percentMode (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 533 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::compare().

00534 {
00535     return d->percent;
00536 }

const PolarCoordinatePlane * AbstractPolarDiagram::polarCoordinatePlane (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 55 of file KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::coordinatePlane().

Referenced by KDChart::RingDiagram::paint(), and KDChart::PieDiagram::paintInternal().

00056 {
00057     return dynamic_cast<const PolarCoordinatePlane*>( coordinatePlane() );
00058 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged (  )  [signal, inherited]

Emitted upon change of a property of the Diagram.

Referenced by KDChart::Plotter::resetLineAttributes(), KDChart::LineDiagram::resetLineAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAntiAliasing(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setBarAttributes(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setBrush(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setCenterDataPoints(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setLineAttributes(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setLineAttributes(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPen(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setPercentMode(), StockDiagram::setStockBarAttributes(), StockDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setThreeDLineAttributes(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setThreeDLineAttributes(), StockDiagram::setType(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setType(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setType(), KDChart::Plotter::setValueTrackerAttributes(), and KDChart::LineDiagram::setValueTrackerAttributes().

void PolarDiagram::resize ( const QSizeF &  area  )  [virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractDiagram.

Definition at line 238 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00239 {
00240 }

void PolarDiagram::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *   )  [protected]

Definition at line 132 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00133 {
00134 }

bool PolarDiagram::rotateCircularLabels (  )  const

Definition at line 277 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by clone().

00278 {
00279     return d->rotateCircularLabels;
00280 }

int AbstractPolarDiagram::rowCount (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 65 of file KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram::numberOfDatasets().

Referenced by KDChart::RingDiagram::calculateDataBoundaries(), calculateDataBoundaries(), KDChart::RingDiagram::paint(), paint(), and KDChart::RingDiagram::valueTotals().

00066 {
00067     return static_cast<int>( numberOfDatasets() );
00068 }

void AbstractDiagram::scrollTo ( const QModelIndex &  index,
ScrollHint  hint = EnsureVisible 
) [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 950 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

00951 {}

void AbstractDiagram::setAllowOverlappingDataValueTexts ( bool  allow  )  [inherited]

Set whether data value labels are allowed to overlap.

allow True means that overlapping labels are allowed.

Definition at line 505 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

00506 {
00507     d->allowOverlappingDataValueTexts = allow;
00508     emit propertiesChanged();
00509 }

void AbstractDiagram::setAntiAliasing ( bool  enabled  )  [inherited]

Set whether anti-aliasing is to be used while rendering this diagram.

enabled True means that AA is enabled.

Definition at line 516 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

00517 {
00518     d->antiAliasing = enabled;
00519     emit propertiesChanged();
00520 }

void AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel ( AttributesModel amodel  )  [virtual, inherited]

Associate an AttributesModel with this diagram.

Note that the diagram does _not_ take ownership of the AttributesModel. This should thus only be used with AttributesModels that have been explicitly created by the user, and are owned by her. Setting an AttributesModel that is internal to another diagram is an error.


 AttributesModel *am = new AttributesModel( model, 0 );
 diagram1->setAttributesModel( am );
 diagram2->setAttributesModel( am );


 diagram1->setAttributesModel( diagram2->attributesModel() );

model The AttributesModel to use for this diagram.
See also:
AttributesModel, usesExternalAttributesModel
Sets an external AttributesModel on this diagram. By default, a diagram has it's own internal set of attributes, but an external one can be set. This can be used to share attributes between several diagrams. The diagram does not take ownership of the attributesmodel.

Reimplemented in KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.

Definition at line 290 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelsChanged(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setAttributesModel().

00291 {
00292     if( amodel->sourceModel() != model() ) {
00293         qWarning("KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel() failed: "
00294                  "Trying to set an attributesmodel which works on a different "
00295                  "model than the diagram.");
00296         return;
00297     }
00298     if( qobject_cast<PrivateAttributesModel*>(amodel) ) {
00299         qWarning("KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel() failed: "
00300                  "Trying to set an attributesmodel that is private to another diagram.");
00301         return;
00302     }
00303     d->setAttributesModel(amodel);
00304     scheduleDelayedItemsLayout();
00305     setDataBoundariesDirty();
00306     emit modelsChanged();
00307 }

void AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModelRootIndex ( const QModelIndex &  idx  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 336 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setRootIndex().

00337 {
00338     d->attributesModelRootIndex=idx;
00339     setDataBoundariesDirty();
00340     scheduleDelayedItemsLayout();
00341 }

void AbstractDiagram::setBrush ( const QBrush &  brush  )  [inherited]

Set the brush to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.

brush The brush to use.

Definition at line 808 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setModelData().

00809 {
00810     attributesModel()->setModelData(
00811         qVariantFromValue( brush ), DatasetBrushRole );
00812     emit propertiesChanged();
00813 }

void AbstractDiagram::setBrush ( int  dataset,
const QBrush &  brush 
) [inherited]

Set the brush to be used, for painting the given dataset.

dataset The dataset to set the brush for.
brush The brush to use.

Definition at line 815 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setHeaderData().

00816 {
00817     // To store the brush for a dataset, we use the first column
00818     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00819     // of two, the column of the keys)
00820     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00822     attributesModel()->setHeaderData(
00823         column, Qt::Vertical,
00824         qVariantFromValue( brush ),
00825         DatasetBrushRole );
00826     emit propertiesChanged();
00827 }

void AbstractDiagram::setBrush ( const QModelIndex &  index,
const QBrush &  brush 
) [inherited]

Set the brush to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.

index The datapoint's index in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
brush The brush to use.

Definition at line 800 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetBrushRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setData().

00801 {
00802     attributesModel()->setData(
00803         conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00804         qVariantFromValue( brush ), DatasetBrushRole );
00805     emit propertiesChanged();
00806 }

void PolarDiagram::setCloseDatasets ( bool  closeDatasets  ) 

Close each of the data series by connecting the last point to its respective start point.

Definition at line 282 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00283 {
00284     d->closeDatasets = closeDatasets;
00285 }

void AbstractDiagram::setCoordinatePlane ( AbstractCoordinatePlane plane  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the coordinate plane associated with the diagram.

This determines how coordinates in value space are mapped into pixel space. The chart takes ownership.

The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.

Reimplemented in KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.

Definition at line 352 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::addDiagram(), KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setCoordinatePlane(), and KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::takeDiagram().

00353 {
00354     d->plane = parent;
00355 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty (  )  const [protected, slot, inherited]

Definition at line 236 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataChanged(), StockDiagram::resize(), KDChart::Plotter::resize(), KDChart::LineDiagram::resize(), KDChart::BarDiagram::resize(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModelRootIndex(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setModel(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::BarDiagram::setThreeDBarAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setThreeDLineAttributes(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setThreeDLineAttributes(), KDChart::Plotter::setType(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().

00237 {
00238     d->databoundariesDirty = true;
00239 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimension ( int  dimension  )  [inherited]

Sets the dataset dimension of the diagram. Using this method is obsolete. Use the specific diagram types instead.

Definition at line 1094 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

01095 {
01096     Q_UNUSED( dimension );
01097     qDebug() << "Setting the dataset dimension using AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimension is obsolete. Use the specific diagram types instead.";
01098 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDatasetDimensionInternal ( int  dimension  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 1100 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().

Referenced by KDChart::TernaryLineDiagram::TernaryLineDiagram(), and KDChart::TernaryPointDiagram::TernaryPointDiagram().

01101 {
01102     Q_ASSERT( dimension != 0 );
01104     if ( d->datasetDimension == dimension ) return;
01105     d->datasetDimension = dimension;
01106     setDataBoundariesDirty();
01107     emit layoutChanged( this );
01108 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes ( const DataValueAttributes a  )  [inherited]

Set the DataValueAttributes for all datapoints in the model.

a The attributes to set.

Definition at line 499 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

00500 {
00501     d->attributesModel->setModelData( qVariantFromValue( a ), DataValueLabelAttributesRole );
00502     emit propertiesChanged();
00503 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes ( int  dataset,
const DataValueAttributes a 
) [inherited]

Set the DataValueAttributes for the given dataset.

dataset The dataset to set the attributes for.
a The attributes to set.

Definition at line 447 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

00448 {
00449     // To store the attributes for a dataset, we use the first column
00450     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00451     // of two, the column of the keys)
00452     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00453     d->attributesModel->setHeaderData(
00454         column, Qt::Vertical,
00455         qVariantFromValue( a ), DataValueLabelAttributesRole );
00456     emit propertiesChanged();
00457 }

void AbstractDiagram::setDataValueAttributes ( const QModelIndex &  index,
const DataValueAttributes a 
) [inherited]

Set the DataValueAttributes for the given index.

index The datapoint to set the attributes for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
a The attributes to set.

Definition at line 436 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::DataValueLabelAttributesRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

00438 {
00439     d->attributesModel->setData(
00440         conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00441         qVariantFromValue( a ),
00442         DataValueLabelAttributesRole );
00443     emit propertiesChanged();
00444 }

void AbstractDiagram::setHidden ( bool  hidden  )  [inherited]

Hide (or unhide, resp.

) all datapoints in the model.

Hidden data are still taken into account by the coordinate plane, so neither the grid nor your axes' ranges will change, when you hide data. For totally removing data from KD Chart's view you can use another approach: e.g. you could define a proxy model on top of your data model, and register the proxy model calling setModel() instead of registering your real data model.
hidden The hidden status to set.

Definition at line 399 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.

00400 {
00401     d->attributesModel->setModelData(
00402         qVariantFromValue( hidden ),
00403         DataHiddenRole );
00404     emit dataHidden();
00405 }

void AbstractDiagram::setHidden ( int  dataset,
bool  hidden 
) [inherited]

Hide (or unhide, resp.

) a dataset.

Hidden data are still taken into account by the coordinate plane, so neither the grid nor your axes' ranges will change, when you hide data. For totally removing data from KD Chart's view you can use another approach: e.g. you could define a proxy model on top of your data model, and register the proxy model calling setModel() instead of registering your real data model.
dataset The dataset to set the hidden status for.
hidden The hidden status to set.

Definition at line 386 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), KDChart::DataHiddenRole, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension().

00387 {
00388     // To store the flag for a dataset, we use the first column
00389     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00390     // of two, the column of the keys)
00391     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00392     d->attributesModel->setHeaderData(
00393         column, Qt::Vertical,
00394         qVariantFromValue( hidden ),
00395         DataHiddenRole );
00396     emit dataHidden();
00397 }

void AbstractDiagram::setHidden ( const QModelIndex &  index,
bool  hidden 
) [inherited]

Hide (or unhide, resp.

) a data cell.

Hidden data are still taken into account by the coordinate plane, so neither the grid nor your axes' ranges will change, when you hide data. For totally removing data from KD Chart's view you can use another approach: e.g. you could define a proxy model on top of your data model, and register the proxy model calling setModel() instead of registering your real data model.
index The datapoint to set the hidden status for. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
hidden The hidden status to set.

Definition at line 377 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::dataHidden(), and KDChart::DataHiddenRole.

00378 {
00379     d->attributesModel->setData(
00380         conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00381         qVariantFromValue( hidden ),
00382         DataHiddenRole );
00383     emit dataHidden();
00384 }

void AbstractDiagram::setModel ( QAbstractItemModel *  model  )  [virtual, inherited]

Associate a model with the diagram.

Reimplemented in KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram, and KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram.

Definition at line 241 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, KDChart::AttributesModel::initFrom(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::layoutChanged(), and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setDataBoundariesDirty().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setModel(), and KDChart::Widget::setType().

00242 {
00243     if( model() )
00244     {
00245         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00246         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( columnsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00247         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00248         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( columnsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00249         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( modelReset() ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00250         disconnect( model(), SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00251     }
00252     QAbstractItemView::setModel( newModel );
00253     AttributesModel* amodel = new PrivateAttributesModel( newModel, this );
00254     amodel->initFrom( d->attributesModel );
00255     d->setAttributesModel(amodel);
00256     scheduleDelayedItemsLayout();
00257     setDataBoundariesDirty();
00258     if( model() )
00259     {
00260         connect( model(), SIGNAL( rowsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00261         connect( model(), SIGNAL( columnsInserted( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00262         connect( model(), SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00263         connect( model(), SIGNAL( columnsRemoved( QModelIndex, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00264         connect( model(), SIGNAL( modelReset() ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00265         connect( model(), SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ), this, SLOT( setDataBoundariesDirty() ) );
00266     }
00267 }

void AbstractDiagram::setPen ( const QPen &  pen  )  [inherited]

Set the pen to be used, for painting all datasets in the model.

pen The pen to use.

Definition at line 750 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setModelData().

00751 {
00752     attributesModel()->setModelData(
00753         qVariantFromValue( pen ), DatasetPenRole );
00754     emit propertiesChanged();
00755 }

void AbstractDiagram::setPen ( int  dataset,
const QPen &  pen 
) [inherited]

Set the pen to be used, for painting the given dataset.

dataset The dataset to set the pen for.
pen The pen to use.

Definition at line 757 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::AbstractDiagram::datasetDimension(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setHeaderData().

00758 {
00759     // To store the pen for a dataset, we use the first column
00760     // that's associated with it. (i.e., with a dataset dimension
00761     // of two, the column of the keys)
00762     const int column = dataset * datasetDimension();
00764     attributesModel()->setHeaderData(
00765         column, Qt::Vertical,
00766         qVariantFromValue( pen ),
00767         DatasetPenRole );
00768     emit propertiesChanged();
00769 }

void AbstractDiagram::setPen ( const QModelIndex &  index,
const QPen &  pen 
) [inherited]

Set the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.

index The datapoint's index in the model. With a dataset dimension of two, this is the index of the key of each key/value pair.
pen The pen to use.

Definition at line 742 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModel(), KDChart::DatasetPenRole, KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged(), and KDChart::AttributesModel::setData().

Referenced by StockDiagram::init().

00743 {
00744     attributesModel()->setData(
00745         conditionallyMapFromSource( index ),
00746         qVariantFromValue( pen ), DatasetPenRole );
00747     emit propertiesChanged();
00748 }

void AbstractDiagram::setPercentMode ( bool  percent  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 527 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::propertiesChanged().

Referenced by KDChart::BarDiagram::setOrientation(), KDChart::LineDiagram::setType(), and KDChart::BarDiagram::setType().

00528 {
00529     d->percent = percent;
00530     emit propertiesChanged();
00531 }

void AbstractDiagram::setRootIndex ( const QModelIndex &  idx  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the root index in the model, where the diagram starts referencing data for display.


Reimplemented in KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram.

Definition at line 329 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AbstractDiagram::setAttributesModelRootIndex().

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractCartesianDiagram::setRootIndex().

00330 {
00331     QAbstractItemView::setRootIndex(idx);
00332     setAttributesModelRootIndex( d->attributesModel->mapFromSource(idx) );
00333 }

void PolarDiagram::setRotateCircularLabels ( bool  rotateCircularLabels  ) 

Definition at line 272 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00273 {
00274     d->rotateCircularLabels = rotateCircularLabels;
00275 }

void AbstractDiagram::setSelection ( const QRect &  rect,
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags  command 
) [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 967 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00968 {
00969     const QModelIndexList indexes = d->indexesIn( rect );
00970     QItemSelection selection;
00971     KDAB_FOREACH( const QModelIndex& index, indexes )
00972     {
00973         selection.append( QItemSelectionRange( index ) );
00974     }
00975     selectionModel()->select( selection, command );
00976 }

void AbstractDiagram::setSelectionModel ( QItemSelectionModel *  selectionModel  )  [virtual, inherited]

Associate a seleection model with the diagrom.

Definition at line 269 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::modelsChanged().

00270 {
00271     if( selectionModel() )
00272     {
00273         disconnect( selectionModel(), SIGNAL( currentChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SIGNAL( modelsChanged() ) );
00274         disconnect( selectionModel(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QItemSelection, QItemSelection ) ), this, SIGNAL( modelsChanged() ) );
00275     }
00276     QAbstractItemView::setSelectionModel( newSelectionModel );
00277     if( selectionModel() )
00278     {
00279         connect( selectionModel(), SIGNAL( currentChanged( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ), this, SIGNAL( modelsChanged() ) );
00280         connect( selectionModel(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QItemSelection, QItemSelection ) ), this, SIGNAL( modelsChanged() ) );
00281     }
00282     emit modelsChanged();
00283 }

void PolarDiagram::setShowDelimitersAtPosition ( Position  position,
bool  showDelimiters 

Definition at line 292 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::Position::value().

00294 {
00295     d->showDelimitersAtPosition[position.value()] = showDelimiters;
00296 }

void PolarDiagram::setShowLabelsAtPosition ( Position  position,
bool  showLabels 

Definition at line 298 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::Position::value().

00300 {
00301     d->showLabelsAtPosition[position.value()] = showLabels;
00302 }

void AbstractDiagram::setUnitPrefix ( const QString &  prefix,
Qt::Orientation  orientation 
) [inherited]

Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.

Sets the unit prefix for all values.

prefix The prefix to be used.
orientation The orientation of the axis to use.
prefix the prefix to be set
orientation the orientantion of the axis to set

Definition at line 872 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00873 {
00874     d->unitPrefix[ orientation ] = prefix;
00875 }

void AbstractDiagram::setUnitPrefix ( const QString &  prefix,
int  column,
Qt::Orientation  orientation 
) [inherited]

Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.

Sets the unit prefix for one value.

prefix The prefix to be used.
column The column which should be set.
orientation The orientation of the axis to use.
prefix the prefix to be set
column the value using that prefix
orientation the orientantion of the axis to set

Definition at line 862 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00863 {
00864     d->unitPrefixMap[ column ][ orientation ]= prefix;
00865 }

void AbstractDiagram::setUnitSuffix ( const QString &  suffix,
Qt::Orientation  orientation 
) [inherited]

Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for all columns.

Sets the unit suffix for all values.

suffix The suffix to be used.
orientation The orientation of the axis to use.
suffix the suffix to be set
orientation the orientantion of the axis to set

Definition at line 893 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00894 {
00895     d->unitSuffix[ orientation ] = suffix;
00896 }

void AbstractDiagram::setUnitSuffix ( const QString &  suffix,
int  column,
Qt::Orientation  orientation 
) [inherited]

Set the unit prefix to be used on axes for one specific column.

Sets the unit suffix for one value.

suffix The suffix to be used.
column The column which should be set.
orientation The orientation of the axis to use.
suffix the suffix to be set
column the value using that suffix
orientation the orientantion of the axis to set

Definition at line 883 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00884 {
00885     d->unitSuffixMap[ column ][ orientation ]= suffix;
00886 }

void PolarDiagram::setZeroDegreePosition ( int  degrees  ) 

Use PolarCoordinatePlane::setStartPosition( qreal degrees ) instead.

Definition at line 260 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00261 {
00262     Q_UNUSED( degrees );
00263     qWarning() << "Deprecated PolarDiagram::setZeroDegreePosition() called, setting ignored.";
00264 }

bool PolarDiagram::showDelimitersAtPosition ( Position  position  )  const

Definition at line 304 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::Position::value().

Referenced by clone().

00305 {
00306     return d->showDelimitersAtPosition[position.value()];
00307 }

bool PolarDiagram::showLabelsAtPosition ( Position  position  )  const

Definition at line 309 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::Position::value().

Referenced by clone().

00310 {
00311     return d->showLabelsAtPosition[position.value()];
00312 }

QString AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix ( Qt::Orientation  orientation  )  const [inherited]

Retrieves the axis unit prefix.

Returns the global unit prefix.

orientation The orientation of the axis.
The axis unit prefix.
orientation the orientation of the axis
the unit prefix

Definition at line 916 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00917 {
00918     return d->unitPrefix[ orientation ];
00919 }

QString AbstractDiagram::unitPrefix ( int  column,
Qt::Orientation  orientation,
bool  fallback = false 
) const [inherited]

Retrieves the axis unit prefix for a specific column.

Returns the unit prefix for a special value.

column The column whose prefix should be retrieved.
orientation The orientation of the axis.
fallback If true, the prefix for all columns is returned, when none is set for the selected column.
The axis unit prefix.
column the value which's prefix is requested
orientation the orientation of the axis
fallback if true, the global prefix is return when no specific one is set for that value
the unit prefix

Definition at line 905 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), and KDChart::CartesianAxis::paintCtx().

00906 {
00907     if( !fallback || d->unitPrefixMap[ column ].contains( orientation ) )
00908         return d->unitPrefixMap[ column ][ orientation ];
00909     return d->unitPrefix[ orientation ];
00910 }

QString AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix ( Qt::Orientation  orientation  )  const [inherited]

Retrieves the axis unit suffix.

Returns the global unit suffix.

orientation The orientation of the axis.
The axis unit suffix.
orientation the orientation of the axis
the unit siffix

Definition at line 939 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00940 {
00941     return d->unitSuffix[ orientation ];
00942 }

QString AbstractDiagram::unitSuffix ( int  column,
Qt::Orientation  orientation,
bool  fallback = false 
) const [inherited]

Retrieves the axis unit suffix for a specific column.

Returns the unit suffix for a special value.

column The column whose prefix should be retrieved.
orientation The orientation of the axis.
fallback If true, the suffix for all columns is returned, when none is set for the selected column.
The axis unit suffix.
column the value which's suffix is requested
orientation the orientation of the axis
fallback if true, the global suffix is return when no specific one is set for that value
the unit suffix

Definition at line 928 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::itemRowLabels(), and KDChart::CartesianAxis::paintCtx().

00929 {
00930     if( !fallback || d->unitSuffixMap[ column ].contains( orientation ) )
00931         return d->unitSuffixMap[ column ][ orientation ];
00932     return d->unitSuffix[ orientation ];
00933 }

void AbstractDiagram::update (  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 1116 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

Referenced by KDChart::AbstractDiagram::doItemsLayout(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setExpectedMeanValue(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setExpectedStandardDeviation(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setFluidicsPackChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setFluidicsPackChanges(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setLotChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setScanLinePen(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSensorChangedSymbolPosition(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSensorChanges(), KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setSymbol(), and KDChart::LeveyJenningsDiagram::setTimeRange().

01117 {
01118     //qDebug("KDChart::AbstractDiagram::update() called");
01119     if( d->plane )
01120         d->plane->update();
01121 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useDefaultColors (  )  [inherited]

Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the default palette.

See also:
KDChart::Palette. FIXME: fold into one usePalette (KDChart::Palette&) method

Definition at line 994 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeDefault.

00995 {
00996     d->attributesModel->setPaletteType( AttributesModel::PaletteTypeDefault );
00997 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useRainbowColors (  )  [inherited]

Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the rainbow palette.

See also:

Definition at line 1004 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeRainbow.

01005 {
01006     d->attributesModel->setPaletteType( AttributesModel::PaletteTypeRainbow );
01007 }

bool AbstractDiagram::usesExternalAttributesModel (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether the diagram is using its own built-in attributes model or an attributes model that was set via setAttributesModel.

See also:

Definition at line 309 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00310 {
00311     return d->usesExternalAttributesModel();
00312 }

void KDChart::AbstractDiagram::useSubduedColors (  )  [inherited]

Set the palette to be used, for painting datasets to the subdued palette.

See also:

Definition at line 999 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d, and KDChart::AttributesModel::PaletteTypeSubdued.

01000 {
01001     d->attributesModel->setPaletteType( AttributesModel::PaletteTypeSubdued );
01002 }

double AbstractDiagram::valueForCell ( int  row,
int  column 
) const [protected, inherited]

Helper method, retrieving the data value (DisplayRole) for a given row and column.

row The row to query.
column The column to query.
The value of the display role at the given row and column as a double.

Definition at line 1110 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References KDChart::AbstractDiagram::attributesModelRootIndex(), and d.

01111 {
01112     return d->attributesModel->data(
01113             d->attributesModel->index( row, column, attributesModelRootIndex() ) ).toDouble();
01114 }

double PolarDiagram::valueTotals (  )  const [virtual]


Implements KDChart::AbstractPolarDiagram.

Definition at line 243 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00244 {
00245     return model()->rowCount(rootIndex());
00246 }

int AbstractDiagram::verticalOffset (  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 961 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

00962 { return 0; }

QRect AbstractDiagram::visualRect ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 945 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00946 {
00947     return d->reverseMapper.boundingRect( index.row(), index.column() ).toRect();
00948 }

QRegion AbstractDiagram::visualRegion ( const QModelIndex &  index  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 988 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00989 {
00990     QPolygonF polygon = d->reverseMapper.polygon(index.row(), index.column());
00991     return polygon.isEmpty() ? QRegion() : QRegion( polygon.toPolygon() );
00992 }

QRegion AbstractDiagram::visualRegionForSelection ( const QItemSelection &  selection  )  const [virtual, inherited]


Definition at line 978 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp.

References d.

00979 {
00980     QPolygonF polygon;
00981     KDAB_FOREACH( const QModelIndex& index, selection.indexes() )
00982     {
00983         polygon << d->reverseMapper.polygon(index.row(), index.column());
00984     }
00985     return polygon.isEmpty() ? QRegion() : QRegion( polygon.toPolygon() );
00986 }

int PolarDiagram::zeroDegreePosition (  )  const

Use qreal PolarCoordinatePlane::startPosition instead.

Definition at line 266 of file KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp.

00267 {
00268     qWarning() << "Deprecated PolarDiagram::zeroDegreePosition() called.";
00269     return 0;
00270 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Mar 4 23:26:25 2010 for KD Chart 2 by  doxygen 1.5.4