KDChart Namespace Reference


class  AbstractArea
 An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc. More...
class  AbstractAreaBase
 Base class for AbstractArea and AbstractAreaWidget: An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc. More...
class  AbstractAreaWidget
 An area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc. More...
class  AbstractAxis
 The base class for axes. More...
class  AbstractCartesianDiagram
 Base class for diagrams based on a cartesian coordianate system. More...
class  AbstractCoordinatePlane
 Base class common for all coordinate planes, CartesianCoordinatePlane, PolarCoordinatePlane, TernaryCoordinatePlane. More...
class  AbstractDiagram
 AbstractDiagram defines the interface for diagram classes. More...
class  AbstractLayoutItem
 Base class for all layout items of KD Chart. More...
class  AbstractPieDiagram
 Base class for any diagram type. More...
class  AbstractPolarDiagram
 Base class for diagrams based on a polar coordinate system. More...
class  AbstractProxyModel
 Base class for all proxy models used inside KD Chart. More...
class  AbstractTernaryDiagram
 Base class for diagrams based on a ternary coordinate plane. More...
class  AbstractThreeDAttributes
 Base class for 3D attributes. More...
class  AttributesModel
 A proxy model used for storing attributes. More...
class  AutoSpacerLayoutItem
 An empty layout item. More...
class  BackgroundAttributes
 Set of attributes usable for background pixmaps. More...
class  BarAttributes
 Set of attributes for changing the appearance of bar charts. More...
class  BarDiagram
 BarDiagram defines a common bar diagram. More...
class  CartesianAxis
 The class for cartesian axes. More...
class  CartesianCoordinatePlane
 Cartesian coordinate plane. More...
class  Chart
 A chart with one or more diagrams. More...
class  ChartGraphicsItem
 Graphics item used inside of the ReverseMapper. More...
class  DataDimension
 Helper class for one dimension of data, e.g. More...
class  DatasetProxyModel
 DatasetProxyModel takes a KDChart dataset configuration and translates it into a filtering proxy model. More...
class  DatasetSelectorWidget
class  DataValueAttributes
 Diagram attributes dealing with data value labels. More...
class  DiagramObserver
 A DiagramObserver watches the associated diagram for changes and deletion and emits corresponsing signals. More...
class  FrameAttributes
 A set of attributes for frames around items. More...
class  GlobalMeasureScaling
 Auxiliary class used by the KDChart::Measure and KDChart::Chart class. More...
class  GridAttributes
 A set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids. More...
class  HeaderFooter
 A header or even footer displaying text above or below charts. More...
class  HorizontalLineLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a horizontal line. More...
class  Legend
 Legend defines the interface for the legend drawing class. More...
class  LeveyJenningsAxis
 The class for levey jennings axes. More...
class  LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane
 Levey Jennings coordinate plane This is actually nothing real more than a plain cartesian coordinate plane. More...
class  LeveyJenningsDiagram
 LeveyDiagram defines a Levey Jennings chart. More...
class  LeveyJenningsGridAttributes
 A set of attributes controlling the appearance of grids. More...
class  LineAttributes
 Set of attributes for changing the appearance of line charts. More...
class  LineDiagram
 LineDiagram defines a common line diagram. More...
class  LineLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a coloured line. More...
class  LineWithMarkerLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a coloured line and a data point marker. More...
class  MarkerAttributes
 A set of ottributes controlling the appearance of data set markers. More...
class  MarkerLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a data point marker. More...
class  Measure
 Measure is used to specify all relative and/or absolute measures in KDChart, e.g. More...
class  NullPaintDevice
class  NullPaintEngine
class  PaintContext
 Stores information about painting diagrams. More...
class  Palette
 A Palette is a set of brushes (or colors) to be used for painting data sets. More...
class  PieAttributes
 A set of attributes controlling the appearance of pie charts. More...
class  PieDiagram
 PieDiagram defines a common pie diagram. More...
class  Plotter
 Plotter defines a diagram type plotting two-dimensional data. More...
class  PolarCoordinatePlane
 Polar coordinate plane. More...
class  PolarDiagram
 PolarDiagram defines a common polar diagram. More...
class  Position
 Defines a position, using compass terminology. More...
class  PositionPoints
 Stores the absolute target points of a Position. More...
class  PrintingParameters
 PrintingParameters stores the scale factor which lines has to been scaled with when printing. More...
class  PrivateAttributesModel
 Internally used class just adding a special constructor used by AbstractDiagram. More...
class  RelativePosition
 Defines relative position information: reference area, position in this area, horizontal / vertical padding, and rotating. More...
class  ReverseMapper
 The ReverseMapper stores information about objects on a chart and their respective model indexes. More...
class  RingDiagram
 RingDiagram defines a common ring diagram. More...
class  RulerAttributes
 A set of attributes controlling the appearance of axis rulers. More...
class  SignalCompressor
 SignalCompressor compresses signals where the same signal needs to be emitted by several pieces of the code, but only one of the signals should be received at the end. More...
class  StockBarAttributes
 Attributes to customize the appearance of a column in a stock chart. More...
class  StockDiagram
class  TernaryAxis
 The class for ternary axes. More...
class  TernaryCoordinatePlane
 Ternary coordinate plane. More...
class  TernaryLineDiagram
 A TernaryLineDiagram is a line diagram with a ternary coordinate plane. More...
class  TernaryPointDiagram
 A TernaryPointDiagram is a point diagram within a ternary coordinate plane. More...
class  TextArea
 A text area in the chart with a background, a frame, etc. More...
class  TextAttributes
 A set of text attributes. More...
class  TextBubbleLayoutItem
class  TextLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a text. More...
class  ThreeDBarAttributes
 A set of 3D bar attributes. More...
class  ThreeDLineAttributes
 A set of 3D line attributes. More...
class  ThreeDPieAttributes
 A set of 3D pie attributes. More...
class  ValueTrackerAttributes
 Cell-specific attributes regarding value tracking. More...
class  VerticalLineLayoutItem
 Layout item showing a vertial line. More...
class  Widget
 The KD Chart widget for usage without Model/View. More...
class  ZoomParameters
 ZoomParameters stores the center and the factor of zooming internally. More...


typedef QList< AbstractDiagram * > AbstractDiagramList
typedef QList< CartesianAxis * > CartesianAxisList
typedef QList< const
AbstractDiagram * > 
typedef QList< const
AbstractDiagram * > 
typedef QList
< AbstractCoordinatePlane * > 
typedef QList< DataDimensionDataDimensionsList
typedef QVector< int > DatasetDescriptionVector
typedef class QVector
< DataValueTextInfo > 
typedef QList< AbstractDiagram * > DiagramList
typedef QList< HeaderFooter * > HeaderFooterList
typedef QList< Legend * > LegendList
typedef QList
< LeveyJenningsAxis * > 
typedef QList< TernaryAxis * > TernaryAxisList


enum  DisplayRoles {
  DatasetPenRole = 0x0A79EF95,


QDebug operator<< (QDebug stream, const DataDimension &r)

Typedef Documentation

typedef QList<AbstractDiagram*> KDChart::AbstractDiagramList

Definition at line 689 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.h.

typedef QList<CartesianAxis*> KDChart::CartesianAxisList

Definition at line 153 of file KDChartCartesianAxis.h.

typedef QList<const AbstractDiagram*> KDChart::ConstAbstractDiagramList

Definition at line 690 of file KDChartAbstractDiagram.h.

typedef QList<const AbstractDiagram*> KDChart::ConstDiagramList

Definition at line 43 of file KDChartLegend.h.

typedef QList<AbstractCoordinatePlane*> KDChart::CoordinatePlaneList

Definition at line 48 of file KDChartChart.h.

typedef QList<DataDimension> KDChart::DataDimensionsList

Definition at line 40 of file KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h.

typedef QVector<int> KDChart::DatasetDescriptionVector

Definition at line 36 of file KDChartDatasetProxyModel.h.

typedef class QVector< DataValueTextInfo > KDChart::DataValueTextInfoList

Definition at line 38 of file KDChartPieDiagram.h.

typedef QList<AbstractDiagram*> KDChart::DiagramList

Definition at line 41 of file KDChartLegend.h.

typedef QList<HeaderFooter*> KDChart::HeaderFooterList

Definition at line 51 of file KDChartChart.h.

typedef QList<Legend*> KDChart::LegendList

Definition at line 52 of file KDChartChart.h.

typedef QList<LeveyJenningsAxis*> KDChart::LeveyJenningsAxisList

Definition at line 91 of file KDChartLeveyJenningsAxis.h.

typedef QList<TernaryAxis*> KDChart::TernaryAxisList

Definition at line 100 of file KDChartTernaryAxis.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum KDChart::DisplayRoles


Definition at line 246 of file KDChartGlobal.h.

Function Documentation

QDebug KDChart::operator<< ( QDebug  stream,
const DataDimension r 

Definition at line 436 of file KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.cpp.

References KDChart::DataDimension::calcMode, KDChart::DataDimension::end, KDChartEnums::granularitySequenceToString(), KDChart::DataDimension::isCalculated, KDChart::AbstractCoordinatePlane::Logarithmic, KDChart::DataDimension::sequence, KDChart::DataDimension::start, KDChart::DataDimension::stepWidth, and KDChart::DataDimension::subStepWidth.

00437 {
00438     stream << "DataDimension("
00439            << " start=" << r.start
00440            << " end=" << r.end
00441            << " sequence=" << KDChartEnums::granularitySequenceToString( r.sequence )
00442            << " isCalculated=" << r.isCalculated
00443            << " calcMode=" << ( r.calcMode == AbstractCoordinatePlane::Logarithmic ? "Logarithmic" : "Linear" )
00444            << " stepWidth=" << r.stepWidth
00445            << " subStepWidth=" << r.subStepWidth
00446            << " )";
00447     return stream;
00448 }

Generated on Thu Mar 4 23:25:16 2010 for KD Chart 2 by  doxygen 1.5.4