src Directory Reference

Detailed Description

Implementation directory of KDChart.

This directory contains the header files and the source files of both, the private and the public classes.

Only classes that have an include wrapper in the $KDCHARTDIR/include directory are part of the supported API. All other classes are to be considered as implemntation details, they could be changed in future versions of KDChart without notice.
In other words: No class that is not mentioned in the $KDCHARTDIR/include directory may be directly used by your application.

The recommended way to include classes of the KDChart API is including them by class name, so instead of including KDChartChart.h you would say:

#include <KDChartChart>

When following this there is no reason to include the $KDCHARTDIR/src directory, it is sufficient to include $KDCHARTDIR/include



directory  Gantt
directory  LeveyJennings
directory  PrerenderedElements
directory  Scenery
directory  Ternary


file  KDChartAbstractArea.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractArea.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAreaBase.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAreaBase.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAreaWidget.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAreaWidget.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAxis.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractAxis.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractPieDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractPieDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractProxyModel.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractProxyModel.h [code]
file  KDChartAbstractThreeDAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAbstractThreeDAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartAttributesModel.cpp [code]
file  KDChartAttributesModel.h [code]
file  KDChartBackgroundAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartBackgroundAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartBarAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartBarAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartBarDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartBarDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartCartesianAxis.cpp [code]
file  KDChartCartesianAxis.h [code]
file  KDChartCartesianCoordinatePlane.cpp [code]
file  KDChartCartesianCoordinatePlane.h [code]
file  KDChartCartesianDiagramDataCompressor_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartChart.cpp [code]
file  KDChartChart.h [code]
 Declaring the class KDChart::Chart.
file  KDChartDatasetProxyModel.cpp [code]
file  KDChartDatasetProxyModel.h [code]
file  KDChartDatasetSelector.cpp [code]
file  KDChartDatasetSelector.h [code]
file  KDChartDataValueAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartDataValueAttributes.h [code]
 Declaring the class KDChart::DataValueAttributes.
file  KDChartDiagramObserver.cpp [code]
file  KDChartDiagramObserver.h [code]
file  KDChartEnums.h [code]
 Definition of global enums.
file  KDChartFrameAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartFrameAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartGlobal.h [code]
file  KDChartGridAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartGridAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartHeaderFooter.cpp [code]
file  KDChartHeaderFooter.h [code]
file  KDChartLayoutItems.cpp [code]
file  KDChartLayoutItems.h [code]
file  KDChartLegend.cpp [code]
file  KDChartLegend.h [code]
file  KDChartLineAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartLineAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartLineDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartLineDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartLineDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartMarkerAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartMarkerAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartMeasure.cpp [code]
file  KDChartMeasure.h [code]
 Declaring the class KDChart::Measure.
file  KDChartModelDataCache_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartNormalBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartNormalLineDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartNormalLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartNormalPlotter_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartNullPaintDevice.h [code]
file  KDChartPaintContext.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPaintContext.h [code]
file  KDChartPalette.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPalette.h [code]
file  KDChartPercentBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPercentLineDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPercentLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPercentPlotter_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPieAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPieAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartPieDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPieDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartPlotter.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPlotter.h [code]
file  KDChartPlotter_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPolarCoordinatePlane.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPolarCoordinatePlane.h [code]
file  KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPolarDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartPosition.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPosition.h [code]
file  KDChartPrintingParameters.cpp [code]
file  KDChartPrintingParameters.h [code]
file  KDChartRelativePosition.cpp [code]
file  KDChartRelativePosition.h [code]
file  KDChartRingDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartRingDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartRulerAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartRulerAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartSignalCompressor.cpp [code]
file  KDChartSignalCompressor.h [code]
file  KDChartStackedBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartStackedLineDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartStackedLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartStockBarAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartStockBarAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartStockDiagram.cpp [code]
file  KDChartStockDiagram.h [code]
file  KDChartStockDiagram_p.cpp [code]
file  KDChartTextArea.cpp [code]
file  KDChartTextArea.h [code]
file  KDChartTextAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartTextAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartThreeDBarAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartThreeDBarAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartThreeDLineAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartThreeDLineAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartThreeDPieAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartThreeDPieAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartValueTrackerAttributes.cpp [code]
file  KDChartValueTrackerAttributes.h [code]
file  KDChartWidget.cpp [code]
file  KDChartWidget.h [code]
file  KDChartZoomParameters.h [code]
file  KDTextDocument.cpp [code]
file  KDTextDocument.h [code]

Generated on Thu Mar 4 23:27:26 2010 for KD Chart 2 by  doxygen 1.5.4