
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002  ** Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB.  All rights reserved.
00003  **
00004  ** This file is part of the KD Gantt library.
00005  **
00006  ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
00007  ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
00008  ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
00009  ** packaging of this file.
00010  **
00011  ** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Gantt licenses may use this file in
00012  ** accordance with the KD Gantt Commercial License Agreement provided with
00013  ** the Software.
00014  **
00015  ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
00017  **
00018  ** See http://www.kdab.net/kdgantt for
00019  **   information about KD Gantt Commercial License Agreements.
00020  **
00021  ** Contact info@kdab.net if any conditions of this
00022  ** licensing are not clear to you.
00023  **
00024  **********************************************************************/
00025 #include "kdganttgraphicsview.h"
00026 #include "kdganttgraphicsview_p.h"
00027 #include "kdganttabstractrowcontroller.h"
00028 #include "kdganttgraphicsitem.h"
00029 #include "kdganttconstraintmodel.h"
00031 #include <QMenu>
00032 #include <QPainter>
00033 #include <QPaintEvent>
00034 #include <QResizeEvent>
00035 #include <QScrollBar>
00036 #include <QAbstractProxyModel>
00038 #include <cassert>
00044 using namespace KDGantt;
00046 HeaderWidget::HeaderWidget( GraphicsView* parent )
00047     : QWidget( parent ), m_offset( 0. )
00048 {
00049     assert( parent ); // Parent must be set
00050 }
00052 HeaderWidget::~HeaderWidget()
00053 {
00054 }
00056 void HeaderWidget::scrollTo( int v )
00057 {
00058     m_offset = v;
00059     // QWidget::scroll() wont work properly for me on Mac
00060     //scroll( static_cast<int>( old-v ), 0 );
00061     update();
00062 }
00064 void HeaderWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ev )
00065 {
00066     QPainter p( this );
00067     view()->grid()->paintHeader( &p, rect(), ev->rect(), m_offset, this );
00068 }
00070 void HeaderWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* event )
00071 {
00072     QMenu contextMenu;
00074     DateTimeGrid* const grid = qobject_cast< DateTimeGrid* >( view()->grid() );
00075     QAction* actionScaleAuto = 0;
00076     QAction* actionScaleMonth = 0;
00077     QAction* actionScaleWeek = 0;
00078     QAction* actionScaleDay = 0;
00079     QAction* actionScaleHour = 0;
00080     QAction* actionZoomIn = 0;
00081     QAction* actionZoomOut = 0;
00082     if( grid != 0 )
00083     {
00084         QMenu* menuScale = new QMenu( tr( "Scale" ), &contextMenu );
00085         QActionGroup* scaleGroup = new QActionGroup( &contextMenu );
00086         scaleGroup->setExclusive( true );
00088         actionScaleAuto = new QAction( tr( "Auto" ), menuScale );
00089         actionScaleAuto->setCheckable( true );
00090         actionScaleAuto->setChecked( grid->scale() == DateTimeGrid::ScaleAuto );
00091         actionScaleMonth = new QAction( tr( "Month" ), menuScale );
00092         actionScaleMonth->setCheckable( true );
00093         actionScaleMonth->setChecked( grid->scale() == DateTimeGrid::ScaleMonth );
00094         actionScaleWeek = new QAction( tr( "Week" ), menuScale );
00095         actionScaleWeek->setCheckable( true );
00096         actionScaleWeek->setChecked( grid->scale() == DateTimeGrid::ScaleWeek );
00097         actionScaleDay = new QAction( tr( "Day" ), menuScale );
00098         actionScaleDay->setCheckable( true );
00099         actionScaleDay->setChecked( grid->scale() == DateTimeGrid::ScaleDay );
00100         actionScaleHour = new QAction( tr( "Hour" ), menuScale );
00101         actionScaleHour->setCheckable( true );
00102         actionScaleHour->setChecked( grid->scale() == DateTimeGrid::ScaleHour );
00104         scaleGroup->addAction( actionScaleAuto );
00105         menuScale->addAction( actionScaleAuto );
00107         scaleGroup->addAction( actionScaleMonth );
00108         menuScale->addAction( actionScaleMonth );
00110         scaleGroup->addAction( actionScaleWeek );
00111         menuScale->addAction( actionScaleWeek );
00113         scaleGroup->addAction( actionScaleDay );
00114         menuScale->addAction( actionScaleDay );
00116         scaleGroup->addAction( actionScaleHour );
00117         menuScale->addAction( actionScaleHour );
00119         contextMenu.addMenu( menuScale );
00121         contextMenu.addSeparator();
00123         actionZoomIn = new QAction( tr( "Zoom In" ), &contextMenu );
00124         contextMenu.addAction( actionZoomIn );
00125         actionZoomOut = new QAction( tr( "Zoom Out" ), &contextMenu );
00126         contextMenu.addAction( actionZoomOut );
00127     }
00129     if( contextMenu.isEmpty() )
00130     {
00131         event->ignore();
00132         return;
00133     }
00135     const QAction* const action = contextMenu.exec( event->globalPos() );
00136     if( action == 0 ) {}
00137     else if( action == actionScaleAuto )
00138     {
00139         assert( grid != 0 );
00140         grid->setScale( DateTimeGrid::ScaleAuto );
00141     }
00142     else if( action == actionScaleMonth )
00143     {
00144         assert( grid != 0 );
00145         grid->setScale( DateTimeGrid::ScaleMonth );
00146     }
00147     else if( action == actionScaleWeek )
00148     {
00149         assert( grid != 0 );
00150         grid->setScale( DateTimeGrid::ScaleWeek );
00151     }
00152     else if( action == actionScaleDay )
00153     {
00154         assert( grid != 0 );
00155         grid->setScale( DateTimeGrid::ScaleDay );
00156     }
00157     else if( action == actionScaleHour )
00158     {
00159         assert( grid != 0 );
00160         grid->setScale( DateTimeGrid::ScaleHour );
00161     }
00162     else if( action == actionZoomIn )
00163     {
00164         assert( grid != 0 );
00165         grid->setDayWidth( grid->dayWidth() + 10.0 );
00166     }
00167     else if( action == actionZoomOut )
00168     {
00169         assert( grid != 0 );
00170         grid->setDayWidth( grid->dayWidth() - 10.0 );
00171     }
00173     event->accept();
00174 }
00176 GraphicsView::Private::Private( GraphicsView* _q )
00177   : q( _q ), rowcontroller(0), headerwidget( _q )
00178 {
00179 }
00181 void GraphicsView::Private::updateHeaderGeometry()
00182 {
00183     q->setViewportMargins(0,rowcontroller->headerHeight(),0,0);
00184     headerwidget.setGeometry( q->viewport()->x(),
00185                               q->viewport()->y() - rowcontroller->headerHeight(),
00186                               q->viewport()->width(),
00187                               rowcontroller->headerHeight() );
00188 }
00190 void GraphicsView::Private::slotGridChanged()
00191 {
00192     updateHeaderGeometry();
00193     headerwidget.update();
00194     q->updateSceneRect();
00195     q->update();
00196 }
00198 void GraphicsView::Private::slotHorizontalScrollValueChanged( int val )
00199 {
00200 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040300
00201     const QRectF viewRect = q->transform().mapRect( q->sceneRect() );
00202 #else
00203     const QRectF viewRect = q->sceneRect();
00204 #endif
00205     headerwidget.scrollTo( val-q->horizontalScrollBar()->minimum()+static_cast<int>( viewRect.left() ) );
00206 }
00208 void GraphicsView::Private::slotColumnsInserted( const QModelIndex& parent,  int start, int end )
00209 {
00210     Q_UNUSED( start );
00211     Q_UNUSED( end );
00212     QModelIndex idx = scene.model()->index( 0, 0, scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( parent ) );
00213     do {
00214         scene.updateRow( scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapFromSource( idx ) );
00215     } while ( ( idx = rowcontroller->indexBelow( idx ) ) != QModelIndex() && rowcontroller->isRowVisible( idx ) );
00216         //} while ( ( idx = d->treeview.indexBelow( idx ) ) != QModelIndex() && d->treeview.visualRect(idx).isValid() );
00217      q->updateSceneRect();
00218 }
00220 void GraphicsView::Private::slotColumnsRemoved( const QModelIndex& parent,  int start, int end )
00221 {
00222     // TODO
00223     Q_UNUSED( start );
00224     Q_UNUSED( end );
00225     Q_UNUSED( parent );
00226     q->updateScene();
00227 }
00229 void GraphicsView::Private::slotDataChanged( const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight )
00230 {
00231     //qDebug() << "GraphicsView::slotDataChanged("<<topLeft<<bottomRight<<")";
00232     const QModelIndex parent = topLeft.parent();
00233     for ( int row = topLeft.row(); row <= bottomRight.row(); ++row ) {
00234         scene.updateRow( scene.summaryHandlingModel()->index( row, 0, parent ) );
00235     }
00236 }
00238 void GraphicsView::Private::slotLayoutChanged()
00239 {
00240     //qDebug() << "slotLayoutChanged()";
00241     q->updateScene();
00242 }
00244 void GraphicsView::Private::slotModelReset()
00245 {
00246     //qDebug() << "slotModelReset()";
00247     q->updateScene();
00248 }
00250 void GraphicsView::Private::slotRowsInserted( const QModelIndex& parent,  int start, int end )
00251 {
00252     Q_UNUSED( parent );
00253     Q_UNUSED( start );
00254     Q_UNUSED( end );
00255     q->updateScene(); // TODO: This might be optimised
00256 }
00258 void GraphicsView::Private::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved( const QModelIndex& parent,  int start, int end )
00259 {
00260     //qDebug() << "GraphicsView::Private::slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved("<<parent<<start<<end<<")";
00261     for ( int row = start; row <= end; ++row ) {
00262         for ( int col = 0; col < scene.summaryHandlingModel()->columnCount( parent ); ++col ) {
00263             //qDebug() << "removing "<<scene.summaryHandlingModel()->index( row, col, parent );
00264             scene.removeItem( scene.summaryHandlingModel()->index( row, col, parent ) );
00265         }
00266     }
00267 }
00269 void GraphicsView::Private::slotRowsRemoved( const QModelIndex& parent,  int start, int end )
00270 {
00271     //qDebug() << "GraphicsView::Private::slotRowsRemoved("<<parent<<start<<end<<")";
00272     // TODO
00273     Q_UNUSED( parent );
00274     Q_UNUSED( start );
00275     Q_UNUSED( end );
00277     q->updateScene();
00278 }
00280 void GraphicsView::Private::slotItemClicked( const QModelIndex& idx )
00281 {
00282     QModelIndex sidx = idx;//scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( idx );
00283     emit q->clicked( sidx );
00284     if (q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick, 0, q))
00285         emit q->activated( sidx );
00286 }
00288 void GraphicsView::Private::slotItemDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex& idx )
00289 {
00290     QModelIndex sidx = idx;//scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( idx );
00291     emit q->doubleClicked( sidx );
00292     if (!q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick, 0, q))
00293         emit q->activated( sidx );
00294 }
00296 void GraphicsView::Private::slotHeaderContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& pt )
00297 {
00298     emit q->headerContextMenuRequested( headerwidget.mapToGlobal( pt ) );
00299 }
00322 GraphicsView::GraphicsView( QWidget* parent )
00323     : QGraphicsView( parent ), _d( new Private( this ) )
00324 {
00325     connect( horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
00326              this, SLOT( slotHorizontalScrollValueChanged( int ) ) );
00327     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( gridChanged() ),
00328              this, SLOT( slotGridChanged() ) );
00329     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( entered( const QModelIndex& ) ),
00330              this, SIGNAL( entered( const QModelIndex& ) ) );
00331     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( pressed( const QModelIndex& ) ),
00332              this, SIGNAL( pressed( const QModelIndex& ) ) );
00333     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex& ) ),
00334              this, SLOT( slotItemClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ) );
00335     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ),
00336              this, SLOT( slotItemDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ) );
00337     connect( &_d->scene, SIGNAL( sceneRectChanged( const QRectF& ) ),
00338              this, SLOT( updateSceneRect() ) );
00339     connect( &_d->headerwidget, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
00340              this, SLOT( slotHeaderContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
00341     setScene( &_d->scene );
00343     // HACK!
00344     setSummaryHandlingModel( _d->scene.summaryHandlingModel() );
00346     //setCacheMode( CacheBackground );
00347 }
00350 GraphicsView::~GraphicsView()
00351 {
00352     delete _d;
00353 }
00355 #define d d_func()
00370 void GraphicsView::setModel( QAbstractItemModel* model )
00371 {
00372     if ( d->scene.model() ) {
00373         disconnect( d->scene.model() );
00374     }
00376     d->scene.setModel( model );
00377     connect( model, SIGNAL( dataChanged(  const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ),
00378              this, SLOT( updateSceneRect() ) );
00379     updateScene();
00380 }
00384 QAbstractItemModel* GraphicsView::model() const
00385 {
00386     return d->scene.model();
00387 }
00389 void GraphicsView::setSummaryHandlingModel( QAbstractProxyModel* proxyModel )
00390 {
00391     disconnect( d->scene.summaryHandlingModel() );
00392     d->scene.setSummaryHandlingModel( proxyModel );
00394     /* Connections. We have to rely on the treeview
00395      * to receive the signals before we do(!)
00396      */
00397     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( columnsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
00398              this,  SLOT( slotColumnsInserted( const QModelIndex&,  int, int ) ) );
00399     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( columnsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
00400              this,  SLOT( slotColumnsRemoved( const QModelIndex&,  int, int ) ) );
00401     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ),
00402              this,  SLOT( slotDataChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ) );
00403     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( layoutChanged() ),
00404              this,  SLOT( slotLayoutChanged() ) );
00405     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( modelReset() ),
00406              this,  SLOT( slotModelReset() ) );
00407     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( rowsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
00408              this,  SLOT( slotRowsInserted( const QModelIndex&,  int, int ) ) );
00409     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( rowsAboutToBeRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
00410              this,  SLOT( slotRowsAboutToBeRemoved( const QModelIndex&,  int, int ) ) );
00411     connect( proxyModel, SIGNAL( rowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int ) ),
00412              this,  SLOT( slotRowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&,  int, int ) ) );
00414     updateScene();
00415 }
00420 void GraphicsView::setConstraintModel( ConstraintModel* cmodel )
00421 {
00422     d->scene.setConstraintModel( cmodel );
00423 }
00427 ConstraintModel* GraphicsView::constraintModel() const
00428 {
00429     return d->scene.constraintModel();
00430 }
00434 QAbstractProxyModel* GraphicsView::summaryHandlingModel() const
00435 {
00436     return d->scene.summaryHandlingModel();
00437 }
00442 void GraphicsView::setRootIndex( const QModelIndex& idx )
00443 {
00444     d->scene.setRootIndex( idx );
00445 }
00449 QModelIndex GraphicsView::rootIndex() const
00450 {
00451     return d->scene.rootIndex();
00452 }
00457 void GraphicsView::setSelectionModel( QItemSelectionModel* model )
00458 {
00459     d->scene.setSelectionModel( model );
00460 }
00464 QItemSelectionModel* GraphicsView::selectionModel() const
00465 {
00466     return d->scene.selectionModel();
00467 }
00472 void GraphicsView::setItemDelegate( ItemDelegate* delegate )
00473 {
00474     d->scene.setItemDelegate( delegate );
00475 }
00479 ItemDelegate* GraphicsView::itemDelegate() const
00480 {
00481     return d->scene.itemDelegate();
00482 }
00489 void GraphicsView::setRowController( AbstractRowController* rowcontroller )
00490 {
00491     d->rowcontroller = rowcontroller;
00492     d->scene.setRowController( rowcontroller );
00493     updateScene();
00494 }
00499 AbstractRowController* GraphicsView::rowController() const
00500 {
00501     return d->rowcontroller;
00502 }
00509 void GraphicsView::setGrid( AbstractGrid* grid )
00510 {
00511     d->scene.setGrid( grid );
00512     d->slotGridChanged();
00513 }
00517 AbstractGrid* GraphicsView::grid() const
00518 {
00519     return d->scene.grid();
00520 }
00525 void GraphicsView::setReadOnly( bool ro )
00526 {
00527     d->scene.setReadOnly( ro );
00528 }
00532 bool GraphicsView::isReadOnly() const
00533 {
00534     return d->scene.isReadOnly();
00535 }
00546 void GraphicsView::setHeaderContextMenuPolicy( Qt::ContextMenuPolicy p )
00547 {
00548     d->headerwidget.setContextMenuPolicy( p );
00549 }
00553 Qt::ContextMenuPolicy GraphicsView::headerContextMenuPolicy() const
00554 {
00555     return d->headerwidget.contextMenuPolicy();
00556 }
00566 void GraphicsView::addConstraint( const QModelIndex& from,
00567                                   const QModelIndex& to,
00568                                   Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )
00569 {
00570     if ( isReadOnly() ) return;
00571     ConstraintModel* cmodel = constraintModel();
00572     assert( cmodel );
00573     Constraint c( from, to, ( modifiers&Qt::ShiftModifier )?Constraint::TypeHard:Constraint::TypeSoft );
00574     if ( cmodel->hasConstraint( c ) ) cmodel->removeConstraint( c );
00575     else cmodel->addConstraint( c );
00576 }
00578 void GraphicsView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ev )
00579 {
00580     d->updateHeaderGeometry();
00581     QRectF r = scene()->itemsBoundingRect();
00582     // To scroll more to the left than the actual item start, bug #4516
00583     r.setLeft( qMin( qreal(0.0), r.left() ) );
00584     // TODO: take scrollbars into account (if not always on)
00585     // The scene should be at least the size of the viewport
00586     QSizeF size = viewport()->size();
00587     //TODO: why -2 below? size should be ex. frames etc?
00588     if ( size.width() > r.width() ) {
00589         r.setWidth( size.width() - 2 );
00590     }
00591     if ( size.height() > r.height() ) {
00592         r.setHeight( size.height() - 2 );
00593     }
00594     const int totalh = rowController()->totalHeight();
00595     if ( r.height() < totalh ) {
00596         r.setHeight( totalh );
00597     }
00599     scene()->setSceneRect( r );
00601     QGraphicsView::resizeEvent( ev );
00602 }
00610 QModelIndex GraphicsView::indexAt( const QPoint& pos ) const
00611 {
00612     QGraphicsItem* item = itemAt( pos );
00613     if ( GraphicsItem* gitem = qgraphicsitem_cast<GraphicsItem*>( item ) ) {
00614         return d->scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapToSource( gitem->index() );
00615     } else {
00616         return QModelIndex();
00617     }
00618 }
00621 void GraphicsView::clearItems()
00622 {
00623     d->scene.clearItems();
00624 }
00627 void GraphicsView::updateRow( const QModelIndex& idx )
00628 {
00629     d->scene.updateRow( d->scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapFromSource( idx ) );
00630 }
00635 void GraphicsView::updateSceneRect()
00636 {
00637     /* What to do with this? We need to shrink the view to
00638      * make collapsing items work
00639      */
00640     qreal range = horizontalScrollBar()->maximum()-horizontalScrollBar()->minimum();
00641     const qreal hscroll = horizontalScrollBar()->value()/( range>0?range:1 );
00642     QRectF r = d->scene.itemsBoundingRect();
00643     // To scroll more to the left than the actual item start, bug #4516
00644     r.setTop( 0. );
00645     r.setLeft( qMin( qreal(0.0), r.left() ) );
00646     r.setSize( r.size().expandedTo( viewport()->size() ) );
00647     const int totalh = rowController()->totalHeight();
00648     if ( r.height() < totalh ) r.setHeight( totalh );
00649     d->scene.setSceneRect( r );
00651     /* set scrollbar to keep the same time in view */
00652     range = horizontalScrollBar()->maximum()-horizontalScrollBar()->minimum();
00653     if ( range>0 ) horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( qRound( hscroll*range ) );
00655     /* We have to update here to adjust for any rows with no
00656      * information because they are painted with a different
00657      * background brush
00658      */
00659     d->scene.invalidate( QRectF(), QGraphicsScene::BackgroundLayer );
00660 }
00665 void GraphicsView::updateScene()
00666 {
00667     clearItems();
00668     if( !model()) return;
00669     if( !rowController()) return;
00670     QModelIndex idx = model()->index( 0, 0, rootIndex() );
00671     do {
00672         updateRow( idx );
00673     } while ( ( idx = rowController()->indexBelow( idx ) ) != QModelIndex() && rowController()->isRowVisible(idx) );
00674     //constraintModel()->cleanup();
00675     //qDebug() << constraintModel();
00676     updateSceneRect();
00677     if ( scene() ) scene()->invalidate( QRectF(), QGraphicsScene::BackgroundLayer );
00678 }
00681 GraphicsItem* GraphicsView::createItem( ItemType type ) const
00682 {
00683     return d->scene.createItem( type );
00684 }
00687 void GraphicsView::deleteSubtree( const QModelIndex& idx )
00688 {
00689     d->scene.deleteSubtree( d->scene.summaryHandlingModel()->mapFromSource( idx ) );
00690 }
00698 void GraphicsView::print( QPrinter* printer, bool drawRowLabels )
00699 {
00700     d->scene.print( printer, drawRowLabels );
00701 }
00713 void GraphicsView::print( QPrinter* printer,  qreal start, qreal end, bool drawRowLabels )
00714 {
00715     d->scene.print( printer, start, end, drawRowLabels );
00716 }
00722 void GraphicsView::print( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& targetRect, bool drawRowLabels )
00723 {
00724   d->scene.print(painter,targetRect,drawRowLabels);
00725 }
00735 void GraphicsView::print( QPainter* painter, qreal start, qreal end,
00736                           const QRectF& targetRect, bool drawRowLabels )
00737 {
00738   d->scene.print(painter, start, end, targetRect, drawRowLabels);
00739 }
00742 #include "moc_kdganttgraphicsview.cpp"

Generated on Thu Mar 4 23:19:13 2010 for KD Chart 2 by  doxygen 1.5.4