23 #ifndef KDGANTTSUMMARYHANDLINGPROXYMODEL_H 24 #define KDGANTTSUMMARYHANDLINGPROXYMODEL_H 36 void setSourceModel( QAbstractItemModel* model );
38 QVariant data(
const QModelIndex& proxyIndex,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole)
39 bool setData(
const QModelIndex& index,
const QVariant& value,
int role = Qt::EditRole );
41 Qt::ItemFlags flags(
const QModelIndex& idx )
44 void sourceModelReset();
45 void sourceLayoutChanged();
46 void sourceDataChanged(
const QModelIndex& from,
const QModelIndex& to );
47 void sourceColumnsAboutToBeInserted(
const QModelIndex& idx,
int start,
int end );
48 void sourceColumnsAboutToBeRemoved(
const QModelIndex& idx,
int start,
int end );
49 void sourceRowsAboutToBeInserted(
const QModelIndex& idx,
int start,
int end );
50 void sourceRowsAboutToBeRemoved(
const QModelIndex&,
int start,
int end );
Proxy model that supports summary gantt items.
Class only listed here to document inheritance of some KDChart classes.