Module: Kuesa Qt 3D API
Specifies a reflection plane for a View of the scene. More...
#include <reflectionplane.h>
Inherits from Qt3DCore::QNode
Public Signals
Public Functions
Public Properties
Detailed Description
| class Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane;
Specifies a reflection plane for a View of the scene.
Since: Kuesa 2.0
The ReflectionPlane class allows to provide the information required to perform planar reflections. It expects a plane equation to be provided. Additionally, a set of visible layers can also be provided to restrict what the reflections will display.
| Kuesa::Qt3D::ForwardRenderer *frameGraph = new Kuesa::Qt3D::ForwardRenderer();
Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane *reflectionPlane = new Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane();
reflectionPlane->setEquation(QVector4D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Read more about
Public Signals Documentation
signal equationChanged
| void equationChanged(
const QVector4D & equation
signal layersChanged
Public Functions Documentation
function ReflectionPlane
| explicit ReflectionPlane(
Qt3DCore::QNode * parent =nullptr
function setEquation
| void setEquation(
const QVector4D & equation
function equation
| QVector4D equation() const
function addLayer
| void addLayer(
Qt3DRender::QLayer * layer
function removeLayer
| void removeLayer(
Qt3DRender::QLayer * layer
function layers
| const std::vector< Qt3DRender::QLayer * > & layers() const
Returns the list of visible layers that are used to select what is reflected. If no layers are specified, uses the same set of layers as the view.
Public Property Documentation
property equation
Holds the plane equation as a QVector4D in the form Ax + By + Cz = D where the plane normal is (A, B, C).
Updated on 2022-10-18 at 11:12:51 +0200