Kuesa Qt 3D API¶
Name | |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationPlayer Play animations defined in glTF files. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationPulse Given a pulse animation, emits signals when the pulse goes up or down. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AbstractAssetCollection An abstract base class for managing collections of assets in 3d models. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationClipCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractAnimationClip. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationMappingCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DAnimation::QChannelMapper. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ArmatureCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DCore::QArmature. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::CameraCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QCamera. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::EffectCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QEffect. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::EntityCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DCore::QEntity. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::LayerCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QLayer. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::LightCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QAbstractLight. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MaterialCollection A collection of assets of type GLTF2MaterialProperties. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MeshCollection A collection of assets of type QGeometryRenderer. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::PlaceholderCollection A collection of assets of type Kuesa::Qt3D::Placeholder. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlaneCollection A collection of assets of type Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::SkeletonCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DCore::QAbstractSkeleton. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureImageCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DRender::QAbstractTextureImage. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::TransformCollection A collection of assets of type Qt3DCore::QTransform. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ForwardRenderer Implements a simple forward rendering FrameGraph. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ForwardRendererLight Implements a simple forward rendering FrameGraph. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane Specifies a reflection plane for a View of the scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::View View allows to specify the rendering description for a rendered view of the scene. They are to be used along with the QForwardRenderer FrameGraph. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::AbstractPostProcessingEffect AbstractPostProcessingEffect is the abstract base class for Kuesa post processing effects. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::BloomEffect Post-processing effect for blurring the bright parts of a scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::DepthOfFieldEffect Post-processing effect implementation of a depth of field. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::FullScreenQuad FullScreenQuad is a convenience Qt3DCore::QEntity subclass use to create a full screen quad. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::GaussianBlurEffect Post-processing effect for blurring the scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::OpacityMask Masks onscreen content based on the alpha color value of a mask texture. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ThresholdEffect Post-processing effect showing only pixels brighter than a specified value. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ToneMappingAndGammaCorrectionEffect Perform conversion from linear color space to sRGB space. This effects performs exposure correction, tone mapping and gamma correction in this order. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::GLTF2Importer Imports glTF 2 scenes into a Qt 3D Scene. |
class | GLTF2Options Different options to configure the glTF 2.0 importer. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseEffect is the effect for the IroDiffuseMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and a 2d diffuse map to render semi glossy like finishes like clear coated paint. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroDiffuseMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaEffect is the effect for the IroDiffuseAlphaMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and performs alpha blending. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseAlphaProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroDiffuseAlphaMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiEffect is the effect for the IroDiffuseHemiMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and a 2d diffuse map to render semi glossy like finishes like clear coated paint. It additionally shades the lower hemisphere by the color set in postHemiFilter. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroDiffuseHemiProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroDiffuseHemiMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroGlassAddEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroGlassAddEffect is the effect for the IroGlassAddMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroGlassAddProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroGlassAddProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroGlassAddMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddEffect is the effect for the IroMatteAddMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that perform lookups on a 2d map optionally blended with the per vertex color input and performs additive color blending. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAddProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteAddMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaEffect is the effect for the IroMatteAlphaMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that perform lookups on a 2d map blended optionally with the per vertex color input. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteAlphaProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteAlphaMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundEffect is the effect for the IroMatteBackgroundMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that allows to render an arbitrary meshes as a background by projecting the vertices in screen space. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteBackgroundProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteBackgroundMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultEffect is the effect for the IroMatteMultMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that perform lookups on a 2d map optionally blended with the per vertex color input and perform multiplicative color blending. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteMultProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteMultMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueEffect is the effect for the IroMatteOpaqueMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that perform lookups on a 2d map blended optionally with the per vertex color input. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteOpaqueProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteOpaqueMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxEffect is the effect for the IroMatteSkyboxMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that allows to render a skybox for arbitrary meshes by translating the vertices to the eye position. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::IroMatteSkyboxProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a IroMatteSkyboxMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectEffect is the effect for the Iro2AlphaEquiRectMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and performs alpha blending. This variant uses a real normal map and equi-rectangular projection, see Iro2AlphaSem to use a fake normal map and SEM reflection. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaEquiRectProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2AlphaEquiRectMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemEffect is the effect for the Iro2AlphaSemMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and performs alpha blending. This variant uses a fake normal map and SEM reflection, see Iro2AlphaEquiRect to use a real normal map and equi-rectangular projection. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2AlphaSemProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2AlphaSemMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectEffect is the effect for the Iro2DiffuseEquiRectMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and a 2d diffuse map to render semi glossy like finishes like clear coated paint. This variant uses a real normal map and equi-rectangular projection, see Iro2DiffuseSem to use a fake normal map and SEM reflection. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseEquiRectProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2DiffuseEquiRectMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemEffect is the effect for the Iro2DiffuseSemMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that relies on a 2d spherical environment map and a 2d diffuse map to render semi glossy like finishes like clear coated paint. This variant uses a fake normal map and SEM reflection, see Iro2DiffuseEquiRect to use a real normal map and equi-rectangular projection. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2DiffuseSemProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2DiffuseSemMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassEquiRectEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassEquiRectEffect is the effect for the Iro2GlassEquiRectMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassEquiRectProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassEquiRectProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2GlassEquiRectMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassSemEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassSemEffect is the effect for the Iro2GlassSemMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassSemProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2GlassSemProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2GlassSemMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaEffect is the effect for the Iro2MatteAlphaMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaMaterial is a simple material in terms of rendering that perform lookups on a 2d map blended optionally with the per vertex color input. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2MatteAlphaProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2MatteAlphaMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectEffect is the effect for the Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectMaterial is a material dedicated to rendering reflection textures generated by. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2PlanarReflectionEquiRectMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemEffect is the effect for the Iro2PlanarReflectionSemMaterial class. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemMaterial is a material dedicated to rendering reflection textures generated by. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::Iro2PlanarReflectionSemProperties holds the properties controlling the visual appearance of a Iro2PlanarReflectionSemMaterial instance. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::KTXTexture Texture subclass that handles loading ktx files (both KTX1 and KTX2). |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::KuesaNode Base class for nodes that require a Kuesa::Qt3D::SceneEnity for assets insertion or retrieval. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::DirectionalLight Encapsulate a Directional Light object in a Qt 3D scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::PointLight Encapsulate a Point Light object in a Qt 3D scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ShadowCastingLight Encapsulate a light object that is able to cast shadows in a Qt 3D scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::SpotLight Encapsulate a Spot Light object in a Qt 3D scene. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::GLTF2Material GLTF2Material is a subclass of Qt3DRender::QMaterial which is the base class of all GLTF2 based material subclasses. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::GLTF2MaterialEffect GLTF2MaterialEffect is a subclass of Qt3DRender::QEffect and is the base class of all GLTF2 based material effect subclasses. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::GLTF2MaterialProperties GLTF2MaterialProperties is a base class holding properties common to all glTF2 Materials. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessEffect is a Qt3DRender::QEffect for Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessMaterial. It provides several properties used to configure the material effect. This is done using a custom shader graph and activating/deactivating different set of nodes of the graph depending on the effect configuration. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessMaterial is a ready to use physically based rendering (PBR) material based on the glTF 2.0 material description. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::MetallicRoughnessProperties hold the properties of a physically based rendering (PBR) material based on the glTF 2.0 material description. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureTransform Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureTransform provides an easy to use texture transform implementation. Given an offset, a rotation and a scale, it produces a matrix that can be directly pushed to a shader and used to transform uv coordinates. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitEffect Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitEffect is a Qt3DRender::QEffect for Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitMaterial. It provides several properties used to configure the material effect. This is done using a custom shader graph and activating/deactivating different set of nodes of the graph depending on the effect configuration. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitMaterial Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitMaterial is a simple material without shading. It implements the KHR_materials_unlit extension from glTF 2.0. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitProperties Kuesa::Qt3D::UnlitProperties hold the properties of a simple material without shading. It implements the KHR_materials_unlit extension from glTF 2.0. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MeshInstantiator Kuesa::Qt3D::MeshInstantiator allows to render several instances of a same mesh with different transformations. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::MorphController Kuesa::Qt3D::MorphController allows to control the morph target weights of an entity. Though the glTF 2.0 specifications do not impose a limit on the number of weights, we have limited it to 8. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Particles Particle system that controls emission and the various properties or particles over their lifetime. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Placeholder Specifies a placeholder which can be used to anchor QtQuick elements. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::PlaceholderTracker PlaceholderTracker allows watching a placeholder for changes and computing a screen position changes given a window size and a camera. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::SceneEntity Root entity for Kuesa runtime. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::Skybox Kuesa::Qt3D::SkyBox is a convenience Qt3DCore::QEntity subclass used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene. Unlike Qt3DExtras::SkyboxEntity, its implementation is compatible with the Kuesa provided default framegraph. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::SteppedAnimationPlayer SteppedAnimationPlayer is an utility class that automatically stops a set of animations when the "up" signal of an AnimationPulse is emitted. |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ForwardRendererExtension |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlaneExtension |
class | Kuesa::Qt3D::ViewExtension |
Detailed Description¶
KuesaQt3D provides Qt helpers to easily integrate Kuesa into a Qt based application.
Updated on 2022-10-18 at 11:12:51 +0200