Module: Kuesa Qt 3D API
Root entity for Kuesa runtime. More...
#include <Kuesa/Qt3D/api/sceneentity.h>
Inherits from Qt3DCore::QEntity
Inherited by KuesaUtils::View3DScene
Public Signals
Public Functions
Public Properties
Detailed Description
| class Kuesa::Qt3D::SceneEntity;
Root entity for Kuesa runtime.
See: AnimationPlayer, GLTF2Importer
Since: Kuesa 2.0
SceneEntity provides support for the runtime behaviour of various classes in Kuesa. It's main purpose is to create instances of various asset collections which will be populated if the scene entity is registered with the glTF importer.
The AnimationPlayer classes will also use the SceneEntity to access the collections and find assets.
Public Signals Documentation
signal loadingDone
This signal is emitted when a glTF file is successfully loaded using a GLTFImporter instance which sceneEntity points to this entity.
Public Functions Documentation
function SceneEntity
| SceneEntity(
Qt3DCore::QNode * parent =nullptr
function ~SceneEntity
function animationClips
| AnimationClipCollection * animationClips() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractAnimationClip assets
function animationClip
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractAnimationClip * animationClip(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractAnimationClip matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function armatures
| ArmatureCollection * armatures() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DCore::QArmature assets
function armature
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DCore::QArmature * armature(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DCore::QArmature matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function effects
| EffectCollection * effects() const
function effect
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QEffect * effect(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QEffect matching the name (or nullptr if not found)
function effect
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QEffect * effect(
int effectPropertyFlags
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QEffect matching the flags in effectPropertyFlags (or nullptr if not found)
function layers
| LayerCollection * layers() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DRender::QLayer assets
function layer
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QLayer * layer(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QLayer matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function materials
| MaterialCollection * materials() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DRender::QMaterial assets
function material
| Q_INVOKABLE Kuesa::Qt3D::GLTF2MaterialProperties * material(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of the Qt3DRender::GLTF2MaterialProperties subclass matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function meshes
| MeshCollection * meshes() const
Returns instance of collection of QGeometryRenderer assets
function mesh
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer * mesh(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of QGeometryRenderer matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function skeletons
| SkeletonCollection * skeletons() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DCore::QAbstractSkeleton assets
function skeleton
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DCore::QAbstractSkeleton * skeleton(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DCore::QAbstractSkeleton matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function textures
| TextureCollection * textures() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture assets
function texture
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * texture(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function cameras
| CameraCollection * cameras() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DRender::QCamera assets
function camera
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QCamera * camera(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QCamera matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function entities
| EntityCollection * entities() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DCore::QEntity assets
function entity
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DCore::QEntity * entity(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DCore::QEntity matching name (or nullptr if not found)
| TransformCollection * transforms() const
Since: Kuesa 2.0
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DCore::QTransform assets
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DCore::QTransform * transform(
const QString & name
) const
Since: Kuesa 2.0
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DCore::QTransform matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function placeholders
| PlaceholderCollection * placeholders() const
function placeholder
| Q_INVOKABLE Kuesa::Qt3D::Placeholder * placeholder(
const QString & name
) const
function textureImages
| TextureImageCollection * textureImages() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DRender::QAbstractTextureImage assets
function textureImage
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QAbstractTextureImage * textureImage(
const QString & name
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DRender::QAbstractTextureImage matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function animationMappings
| AnimationMappingCollection * animationMappings() const
Returns instance of collection of Qt3DAnimation::QChannelMapper assets
function animationMapping
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DAnimation::QChannelMapper * animationMapping(
const QString & name
Utility method returning an instance of Qt3DAnimation::QChannelMapper matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function clearCollections
| Q_INVOKABLE void clearCollections()
Removes all assets from all the collections.
Note: Assets which are parented with the collection will be deleted.
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DCore::QNode * transformForEntity(
const QString & name
SceneEntity::transformForEntity returns the transform component of the specified entity identified by name.
This is a utility method which will look for an entity in the SceneEntity's EntityCollection and return the Qt3DCore::QTransform component if it exists.
function brdfLut
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * brdfLut() const
SceneEntity::brdfLut Returns the brdfLut texture stored in the SceneEntity.
The brdfLut is used as a lookup texture and is needed for the metallic roughness effect instances. The metallic roughness effect will use the brdfLut texture stored in the SceneEntity if the user doesn't provide another one. This allows to share the same texture instance between all the instances of the metallic roughness effect.
function lights
| Kuesa::Qt3D::LightCollection * lights() const
function light
| Q_INVOKABLE Qt3DRender::QAbstractLight * light(
const QString & name
) const
function reflectionPlanes
| Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlaneCollection * reflectionPlanes() const
function reflectionPlane
| Q_INVOKABLE Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane * reflectionPlane(
const QString & name
) const
Utility method returning an instance of Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlane matching name (or nullptr if not found)
function findParentSceneEntity
| static Q_INVOKABLE Kuesa::Qt3D::SceneEntity * findParentSceneEntity(
Qt3DCore::QEntity * entity
Public Property Documentation
property animationClips
| Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationClipCollection * animationClips;
property armatures
| Kuesa::Qt3D::ArmatureCollection * armatures;
property layers
| Kuesa::Qt3D::LayerCollection * layers;
property materials
| Kuesa::Qt3D::MaterialCollection * materials;
property meshes
| Kuesa::Qt3D::MeshCollection * meshes;
property skeletons
| Kuesa::Qt3D::SkeletonCollection * skeletons;
property textures
| Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureCollection * textures;
property cameras
| Kuesa::Qt3D::CameraCollection * cameras;
property entities
| Kuesa::Qt3D::EntityCollection * entities;
property textureImages
| Kuesa::Qt3D::TextureImageCollection * textureImages;
property animationMappings
| Kuesa::Qt3D::AnimationMappingCollection * animationMappings;
property brdfLut
| Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture * brdfLut;
property lights
| Kuesa::Qt3D::LightCollection * lights;
| Kuesa::Qt3D::TransformCollection * transforms;
property reflectionPlanes
| Kuesa::Qt3D::ReflectionPlaneCollection * reflectionPlanes;
property placeholders
| Kuesa::Qt3D::PlaceholderCollection * placeholders;
Updated on 2022-10-18 at 11:12:52 +0200